The new journal published by the International Association of CFS/ME is now online. This is a special free access double issue. Subsequent issues will be available by login to full members of IACFS/ME. Also, a print version can be ordered.

Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior

Among the seven papers in this first issue, there is a review article on envelope theory by award-winning CFS/ME researcher Leonard Jason. Also the new issue highlights a controlled study from the University of California research team headed by renowned sleep expert Sonia Ancoli-Israel. The topic: chronic fatigue and sleep disruption in cancer patients with implications for light therapy treatment.

Topics to be covered by the journal include: fatigue in diseases such as cancer, autoimmune diseases, multiple sclerosis (MS), pain conditions, mood disorders and circulatory diseases. Friedberg and his editorial board will also consider papers on chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME), fibromyalgia, fatigue in sleep, aging, exercise, sport and occupations. As Friedberg notes, ‘More generally Fatigue will publish on the biology, physiology and psychosocial aspects of fatigue as well as assessment and treatment.’

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