Category Archives: Newyddion

IACFS/ME cyfnodolyn ar lludded nawr ar-lein

The new journal published by the International Association of CFS/ME is now online. This is a special free access double issue. Subsequent issues will be available by login to full members of IACFS/ME. Also, a print version can be ordered. … Continue reading

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ME a CFS mwyaf anodd i feddygon teulu i gyfeirio

The Aviva Health of the nation Index 2013 presents the results of  a study canvassing the opinions of GPs and 1,000 patients across the UK: “As with last year’s survey, GPs told us that they were still struggling to refer patients … Continue reading

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Cwlch gwael yn ddramatig yn newid y corff

BBC News reports that a run of poor sleep can have a potentially profound effect on the internal workings of the human body according to UK researchers. The activity of hundreds of genes was altered when people’s sleep was cut … Continue reading

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cylchgrawn newydd o WAMES

The first issue of me voice: the wames magazine has been published today. There will be 5 issues a year providing a distinctively Welsh context  for sharing news and views surrounding ME. You can subscribe to a paper copy, have … Continue reading

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Bydd toriadau budd-daliadau taro economi Cymru

The two reports commissioned by the Welsh Government to better understand the impact of the welfare reforms show that the changes to the UK welfare system announced prior to December’s Autumn Statement will reduce total benefit and tax credit entitlements … Continue reading

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Arolwg am ofalu

Out of pocket? Health suffered? Given up work? No social life? Tell Carers UK about it. They need to hear about the impact caring has had on your life as part of their major Caring and Family Finances Inquiry. They … Continue reading

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Gweithdy hawliau gofalwyr

Carers Wales is holding a free workshop for carers who would like to learn more about their legal rights on Tuesday 5th March 2013 at River House, Ynysbridge Court, Cardiff CF15 9SS from 10.30am until 2.00pm. A light lunch will … Continue reading

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Adolygiad o ganllawiau NICE gohirio

At the beginning of January, The ME Association wrote to NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) to ask for clarification on what was happening regarding the expected 2013 review of the NICE guideline on ME/CFS. They replied saying the review … Continue reading

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Caerdydd Zumba digwyddiad codi arian

ME Support In Glamorgan (mesig) are holding a fundraiser/awareness event on Valentine’s Day. This is to raise ÂŁ3000 for a person with ME to go to Burrswood hospital in Kent. The lady is bedbound. She has been allocated a place … Continue reading

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Gofalwyr a diwygio gofal cymdeithasol – Sylvia Penny cyfweliad

WAMES’ volunteer Sylvia Penny who cares for her adult daughter with ME, her adult son with asperger’s and her 90 year old mother, was one of the people interviewed on BBC Wales about the proposed changes to social care in … Continue reading

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