Category Archives: Newyddion

Ymgyrch Dw i’n Cyfri – Rydyn ni’n Cyfri

Ymgyrch Dw i’n Cyfri – Rydyn ni’n Cyfri You can get involved if you: live in Wales are receiving social care support now or expect to in the future are supporting others either as a paid worker or because of … Continue reading

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Panorama: The great disability scam

Only half of all people with a disability are in work. BBC’s Panorama investigates if one of the government’s most ambitious welfare reforms, costing billions of pounds, can solve the problem of disability unemployment. Reporter Sam Poling reveals the private … Continue reading

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Dylanwadu ar hyfforddiant Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol yn Abertawe!

Would you like to influence the next generation of health and social care professionals training in Swansea? Coleg y Gwyddorau Dynol ac Iechyd invites service users and carers to be involved in their training programmes so that students hear about local … Continue reading

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Asesiad cost-effeithiolrwydd y triniaethau treial FINE

Provisional results of the cost effectiveness assessment of the treatments used in the FINE trial (2010) have been published. The original trial found that: For patients with CFS/ME in primary care, pragmatic rehabilitation delivered by trained nurse therapists improves fatigue … Continue reading

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Cysgu aflonyddwch yn CFS

Dr Michael Breus explores the research into the effects of CFS on sleep. Excerpt from his article: Disrupted sleep is a hallmark of chronic fatigue syndrome. Chronic fatigue is associated with a range of sleep problems, including: Excessive daytime sleepiness … Continue reading

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WAMES a MWWMEG yn gyfuno adnoddau

Ar Ddydd Calan 2013, cyfunodd WAMES â Grŵp ME Canolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru (MWWMEG). Roedd gennym berthynas weithio dda â MWWMEG eisoes, ond rydym yn gyffrous ynglÅ·n â’r cyfle hwn i gyfuno adnoddau, i ddysgu oddi wrth MWWMEG ac i … Continue reading

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Paratoi ar gyfer gwaith neu golli eich budd-daliadau

The Telegraph reports on UK government plans to be introduced from 2013 where anyone claiming Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) because they are ill will face sanctions if they do not take steps to prepare for work. They will be … Continue reading

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Dr Shepherd: damcaniaethau o ME

Dr Charles Shepherd speaks to the Telegraph about his own experience of ME and the major theories of the condition: The origin of such symptoms remains a mystery. One theory gaining favour is that ME patients have an aberrant immune … Continue reading

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Deiseb i ddiddymu’r Deddf Diwygio trefn y budd-daliadau 2012

Repeal the Welfare Reform Act 2012 Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions We want Parliament to repeal the Welfare Reform Act of 2012. The Act vindictively targets all benefit claimants disproportionately causing millions of people financial hardship, poverty and … Continue reading

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Reduced cardiac vagal modulation impacts on cognitive performance in CFS

Abstract of Australian research BACKGROUND: Cognitive difficulties and autonomic dysfunction have been reported separately in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). A role for heart rate variability (HRV) in cognitive flexibility has been demonstrated in healthy individuals, but this relationship … Continue reading

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