Category Archives: Newyddion

NYTH/NEST – help am pobl mewn tlodi tanwydd

Nyth yw rhaglen newydd Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru a gynlluniwyd i helpu pobl sy’n ffeindio hi’n anodd i dalu eu biliau ynni. Mae’r cynllun yn cynnig ystod o welliannau gartref i deiliaid tai i’w helpu i wresogi eu cartrefi’n fwy effeithlon … Continue reading

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Adroddiad ESA a Chyflyrau Ansefydlog yn Cael ei Gyhoeddi

Mae adroddiad wedi cael ei gyhoeddi, sy’n gwneud argymhellion ar gyfer gwelliannau i’r Asesiad Gallu i Weithio (WCA, Work Capability Assessment) i bobl hefo cyflyrau ansefydlog. Bu i Forward-ME (cynghrair o elusennau ME ym Mhrydain) a phump elusen sy’n cynrychioli … Continue reading

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WAMES’ campaign launched during ME Awareness week

WAMES’ campaign launched during ME Awareness week ME & CFS information for all 10 years of campaigning for better services and talking to people with ME, carers and professionals has shown us that accurate information about ME is not reaching … Continue reading

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UK Disease register for ME/CFS possible

The National ME/CFS Observatory has successfully completed a pilot study which has found a way to identify people with ME/CFS so they can be included on a register. This will be a pool of possible participants in research trials and … Continue reading

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Wear blue for ME during ME Awareness week

Wear blue for ME during ME Awareness week WAMES invites people with ME, their friends and family to raise awareness of ME by wearing blue ribbons or items of blue clothing during ME Awareness week.

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Sharon Price invites you to join her in raising funds for WAMES

Sharon Price invites you to join her in raising funds for WAMES Please help me raise funds for WAMES On 29th April 2011, I will have had ME for 20 years. (Yep, a Bank Holiday has been declared in my … Continue reading

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WAMES’ patron Lord Barry Jones sends message of support

WAMES’ patron Lord Barry Jones sends message of support Lord Barry Jones has been WAMES’ patron since our inception 10 years ago. During his 40+ years as a politician he has been moved by many encounters with people who have … Continue reading

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WAMES is 10 years old!

WAMES is 10 years old! WAMES was set up by local support groups in April 2001 to improve services for people with ME and CFS in Wales. Progress has been slow but 10 years on people with ME and their … Continue reading

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Welsh care pathway for CFS/ME published but Map of Medicine dropped

Welsh care pathway for CFS/ME published but Map of Medicine dropped Plans to make the new Welsh care pathway for CFS/ME available to health professionals through the Map of Medicine database has been scrapped by the Health Minister Edwina Hart. … Continue reading

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No NICE guidelines review this year

No NICE guidelines review this year The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) says there is no evidence to update Clinical Guideline 53 on CFS/ME and it will next be reviewed in August 2013. WAMES responded to the … Continue reading

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