Staff y Llyfrgell Llanelli yn helpu i godi ymwybyddiaeth o ME

From the South Wales Evening Post Saturday, May 04, 2013:

Llanelli Library is doing its bit to draw attention to the needs of those who suffer with ME and their carers.

Library assistant Caru James is leading efforts to educate people about the often ignored illness throughout ME Awareness week.

The library staff will be battling to raise ME awareness in Llanelli through a series of events next week aimed at showing people ME is not just about tiredness, and it has a very serious effect on people’s daily lives.

The charity Action for ME estimates there are currently more than 250,000 people in the UK who are affected by the condition.

Sufferers can feel persistent exhaustion, muscle and joint pain, sleep disturbance, flu-like symptoms. They can also have problems with memory and concentration.

Library staff helping to raise awareness of ME

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Barn WAMES o ymchwil cydweithredol i ME a CFS

3 major research collaborations have been anounced over the last few months:

On the 23rd of April 2013 the UK CFS/ME Research Collaborative (UK CMRC) was launched. Key ME charities and biomedical researchers have joined together with researchers who have previoulsy conducted research with a more psychosocial approach to the illness, believing that this is a great opportunity to change the direction of ME research in the UK and attract more scientists.

Invest in ME (IiME) have chosen to join with the Alison Hunter Memorial Foundation (AHMF) of Australia believing that an international collaboration concentrating on biomedical research into strictly defined ME is the way forward.  IiME/AHMF BRMEC (Biomedical Research into ME Collaborative) will be holding a meeting on 30th May in London before the International IiME research conference.

In the US the OMI-MERIT (ME Roundtable on Immunology and Treatment) is a strategic initiative of the Open Medicine Institute (OMI) and its collaborators to bring together leading clinicians and researchers to tackle the under researched disease of ME/CFS. The MERIT group is focused on developing and applying a multi-factorial approach to the discovery of new diagnostic and treatment solutions for ME/CFS, particularly increasing the use of new technologies. Some UK charities are also supporting this.

WAMES wishes to see more biomedical research into ME as a matter of priority in the hope it will lead to a greater understanding of ME and the subgroups of CFS and uncover accurate diagnostic tests and appropriate treatment options.

We understand the desire of many people with ME and their carers to shun all research and researchers that take time and money away from biomedical research. ME has been sidelined and mocked by scientists and clinicians for too long. But we acknowledge the value of discussion and collaboration as a way for all to arrive at a common understanding.

Whether the UK CMRC will produce research that is well designed and implemented and that will benefit both people with ME and CFS, only time will tell.   We will be watching all of these research collaborations with interest and wish them well on their journeys.

University of Newcastle Press release

University of Bristol Press release

Phoenix Rising: Launch of inclusive UK CFS/ME Research Collaborative

IiME / AHMF meeting

IiME: A tale of 2 collaboratives

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Blinder a cytokines



Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a debilitating disorder characterized by persistent fatigue that is not alleviated by rest. The lack of a clearly identified underlying mechanism has hindered the development of effective treatments. Studies have demonstrated elevated levels of inflammatory factors in patients with CFS, but findings are contradictory across studies and no biomarkers have been consistently supported. Single time-point approaches potentially overlook important features of CFS, such as fluctuations in fatigue severity. We have observed that individuals with CFS demonstrate significant day-to-day variability in their fatigue severity.


Therefore, to complement previous studies, we implemented a novel longitudinal study design to investigate the role of cytokines in CFS pathophysiology. Ten women meeting the Fukuda diagnostic criteria for CFS and ten healthy age- and body mass index (BMI)-matched women underwent 25 consecutive days of blood draws and self-reporting of symptom severity. A 51-plex cytokine panel via Luminex was performed for each of the 500 serum samples collected. Our primary hypothesis was that daily fatigue severity would be significantly correlated with the inflammatory adipokine leptin, in the women with CFS and not in the healthy control women. As a post-hoc analysis, a machine learning algorithm using all 51 cytokines was implemented to determine whether immune factors could distinguish high from low fatigue days.


Self-reported fatigue severity was significantly correlated with leptin levels in six of the participants with CFS and one healthy control, supporting our primary hypothesis. The machine learning algorithm distinguished high from low fatigue days in the CFS group with 78.3% accuracy.


Our results support the role of cytokines in the pathophysiology of CFS.

Daily cytokine fluctuations, driven by leptin, are associated with fatigue severity in chronic fatigue syndrome: evidence of inflammatory pathology Elizabeth Ann Stringer et al

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29% o blant â CFS yn dioddef trallod seicolegol sylweddol


Objective  To describe the prevalence of depression in children with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)/myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and investigate the relationship between depression in CFS/ME and clinical symptoms such as fatigue, disability, pain and school attendance.

Design   Cross-sectional survey data using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) collected at assessment.

Setting   Specialist paediatric CFS/ME service in the South West of England.

Patients   Children aged 12–18 years with CFS/ME.

Main outcome measure   Depression was defined as scoring >9 on the HADS depression scale.

Results   542 subjects had complete data for the HADS and 29% (156/542) (95% CI 25% to 33%) had depression. In a univariable analysis, female sex, poorer school attendance, and higher levels of fatigue, disability, pain, and anxiety were associated with higher odds of depression. Age of child and duration of illness were not associated with depression. In a multivariable analysis, the factors most strongly associated with depression were disability, with higher scores on the physical function subscale of the 36 item Short Form (SF-36).

Conclusions   Depression is commonly comorbid with CFS/ME, much more common than in the general population, and is associated with markers of disease severity. It is important to screen for, identify and treat depression in this population.

Depression in pediatric chronic fatigue syndrome. Archives of Disease in Childhood doi:10.1136/archdischild-2012-303396. Helen Bould, Simon M Collin, Glyn Lewis, Katharine Rimes, Esther Crawley

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Ymchwil damcaniaeth ‘amlen ynni’


Objective/Hypothesis: The objective of this study was to examine sub-types of individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome based on variables that are associated with the energy envelope theory and to examine the role of coping strategies in explaining the differences found between the subtypes.

Methods: Cluster analysis was used. Grouping variables included physical functioning, post-exertional malaise severity, and the extent to which an individual was outside of the energy envelope. These clusters were evaluated using discriminant function analysis to determine whether they could be differentiated based on coping styles.

Results: Cluster analysis identified three groups. Clusters 1 and 2 were consistent with the energy envelope theory. However, Cluster 3 was characterized by patients with the most impairment, but they were to a lesser extent exceeding their energy envelope. Coping strategies explained a small percentage (10%) of the variance in differentiating the clusters.

Discussion: Energy maintenance may be associated with improved functioning and less severe symptoms for some. However, patients in Cluster 3 were closer to remaining within their energy envelope and also used higher levels of adaptive coping but were more impaired than Cluster 2. This suggests that adaptive coping strategies were not associated with improved health, as members of Cluster 3 were severely limited in functioning.

Examining the energy envelope and associated symptom patterns in chronic fatigue syndrome: does coping matter? Brown AA, Evans MA, Jason LA  Chronic Illness 2013 Apr 12. [Epub ahead of print]



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Brofiadau cyplau ‘o ryngweithio gydag eraill: astudiaeth ansoddol


Objectives: Social isolation and stigma are frequently reported by patients with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis and relationships in the home environment with those close to the patients (their ‘significant others’) may thus be particularly important. Rather little attention has yet been paid to the beliefs and experiences of ‘significant others’ themselves in this context. This study sought to explore in-depth the beliefs and experiences of both patients and ‘significant others’ in relation to chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis.

Methods: In-depth interviews using a semi-structured interview schedule designed around the core constructs of the Common-Sense Model of self-regulation were conducted with two patients with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis and their spouses. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was used to analyse interview data.

Results: Experiences of social interactions in relation to chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis with others outside of the relationship dyad emerged as a key issue for all participants when reflecting on their experiences of living with the condition. These concerns are presented under two themes: interactions with healthcare professionals and interactions with the social world.

Conclusions: It is evident that significant others play an important role in the lived experience of chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis. For both patients and significant others, the wider social world and interactions with outside others may be important influences on dyadic coping in chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis. Both future research and treatment interventions could usefully include a ‘significant other’ perspective.

Couples’ experiences of interacting with outside others in chronic fatigue syndrome: a qualitative study.  Joanna Brooks, Nigel King, Alison Wearden  Chronic Illness April 12, 2013 [Epub ahead of print]

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Achos cyfreithiol i PIP mynd yn ei flaen

The High Court has granted permission for a full hearing of the judicial review challenge to the government’s introduction of more stringent qualifying criteria for mobility benefit for the new Personal Independence Payment (PIP) scheme.

Two law firms, Public Law Solicitors and Leigh Day, had challenged the legality of the introduction of the new benefit, on the grounds that the government failed to consult properly, before changing the distance a claimant can travel from 50 metres to 20 metres, in order to qualify for the mobility component. The change was made after consultations were complete.

Steven Sumpter, who has ME, can only walk a few metres with a stick and is otherwise dependent on a wheelchair. He was assessed as eligible for the high rate of the mobility component of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) last year and has used this to lease a Motability car. Along with thousands of others, he fears that he may lose this benefit under the new Regulations (1). Under the DLA scheme, a person is entitled to the higher rate if they are ‘unable or virtually unable to walk’. Usually claimants are considered to be virtually unable to walk if they cannot walk more than 50m. Under the new Personal Independence Payment (PIP) scheme, the relevant distance is reduced to 20m.

Karen Ashton from Public Law Solicitors who represents Mr Sumpter said:

“I am very pleased that the court has found that this case deserves a full hearing. The higher rate of mobility benefit can make an extraordinary difference to a disabled person’s life. But the Government failed to mention the reduction to 20m in their consultations and so those who might be affected did not have the chance to put their case and explain how devastating the consequences will be.”

Jane Young, an independent consultant currently working with the We are Spartacus campaigning network, said:

“Whilst it is true that under the PIP regulations and guidance, in order to be considered able to walk not more than 20 metres a claimant should be able to do so “safely, to an acceptable standard, repeatedly and within a reasonable time period”, the fact remains that 20 metres is an extremely short distance. Our concern is that by denying people with significant walking difficulties support for independent mobility, the regulations will seriously compromise their well-being. Disabled people who can only walk short distances face being stuck in their homes, isolated and unable to travel independently to health appointments, to work, to the shops or to social activities. This is especially the case in rural areas, where public transport is infrequent, inadequate and inaccessible and long travel distances are the norm.”

Note: By agreement with the government’s lawyers and the court, only Steve Sumpter’s case is going ahead at this stage and it is expected that the full hearing will take place in July.

More information on PIP and the campaign

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De Orllewin Cymru Digwyddiad 22 Mai: Byw yn iach ar gyfer cyflyrau niwrolegol

Healthy Living and Wellbeing Drop in Day

Wed 22nd May 2013, 10am – 4pm, Aberavon Beach Hotel.

Open to all people and their carers affected by neurological conditions. Organised by SWWNA , the South West Wales Neurological Alliance, (WAMES is a member).

The day will include:

  • Information stands about support and services
  • Taster sessions on exercise, holistic therapy,
  • Benefit and work advice
  • Mental health advice
  • General health and wellbeing
  • Talks on pain management, mental health, food and nutrition, weight management, exercise referrals, physiotherapy

SWWNA represents and supports people and their carers affected by neurological conditions in Swansea, Neath Port Talbot, Bridgend and surrounding areas.

For more info contact: 07845 007304 SUPPORT@SWWNA.COM

Please book your place at any of the talks by Fri 17th May 2013.

View the flyer

If you would like to man an information stall for WAMES at this event please contact Jan, the secretary.

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Adroddiad torri tir newydd biolegol

The TIMES newspaper reported on the launch of the UK CFS/ME Research Collaborative (UK CMRC) on 23 April 2013:

Scientists have found compelling new evidence of an underlying biological cause for the constant fatigue suffered by ME patients.

The study revealed abnormalities in the muscle cells of ME patients, which are likely to contribute to feelings of tiredness and the inability to cope with sustained physical activity that many experience.

An analysis of muscle biopsies suggested that the cells had undergone substantial changes, making them less able to cope with exertion.

The finding shows that, whatever the initial trigger for ME, which affects more than 600,000 in Britain, the condition leads to a cascade of physical changes right down to the cellular level.

Some patients still report facing stigma due to popular misconceptions that the condition is “all in the mind”, despite growing evidence that ME has real physical symptoms.

Julia Newton, Dean for Clinical Medicine at Newcastle University who led the study, said that the latest science was changing “people’s perception of this terrible symptom”.

Professor Newton presented the findings at a meeting in London yesterday marking the launch of a collaboration aimed at generating more research into the disease.

In the study, scientists took muscle biopsies from ten patients and ten healthy but sedentary volunteers.

The muscle cells were grown into small pieces of muscle and then subjected to “exercise” in the form of electrical impulses.

The cells from ME patients produced on average 20 times as much acid when exercised, suggesting an underlying cause for the aching muscles that patients often experience as soon as they begin to exercise.

The cells also showed other abnormalities, such as reproducing more slowly.

“We have found very real abnormalities”, said Professor Newton.

Times article: Biological breakthrough offers fresh hope for ME sufferers

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ME voice: Ebrill rhifyn gyhoeddi bellach

me voice: a magazine for people with ME in Wales, by people with ME in Wales.

Features in the April issue include:

  • The poetry cure? Looking at the therapeutic nature of reading and writing poetry, and the poetry of Cardiff poet (and pwme) Eleanor Dent
  • Is poetry cool? Invitation from the young people’s poet laureate of Wales to contribute to a Wales manifesto, and an invitation from WAMES to contribute to a Wales ME manifesto
  • A young carer’s story
  • Update of the WAMES health services campaign
  • ME Awareness week in May– ways you can get involved


  • online
  • free by email in colour from
  • or ÂŁ10 for 5 B&W issues from WAMES subs, The Coach House, FrongĂ´g, Aberystwyth, SY23 3HN
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