Reduced cardiac vagal modulation impacts on cognitive performance in CFS

Abstract of Australian research


Cognitive difficulties and autonomic dysfunction have been reported separately in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). A role for heart rate variability (HRV) in cognitive flexibility has been demonstrated in healthy individuals, but this relationship has not as yet been examined in CFS. The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between HRV and cognitive performance in patients with CFS.


Participants were 30 patients with CFS and 40 healthy controls; the groups were matched for age, sex, education, body mass index, and hours of moderate exercise/week. Questionnaires were used to obtain relevant medical and demographic information, and assess current symptoms and functional impairment. Electrocardiograms, perceived fatigue/effort and performance data were recorded during cognitive tasks. Between-group differences in autonomic reactivity and associations with cognitive performance were analysed.


Patients with CFS showed no deficits in performance accuracy, but were significantly slower than healthy controls. CFS was further characterized by low and unresponsive HRV; greater heart rate (HR) reactivity and prolonged HR-recovery after cognitive challenge. Fatigue levels, perceived effort and distress did not affect cognitive performance. HRV was consistently associated with performance indices and significantly predicted variance in cognitive outcomes.


These findings reveal for the first time an association between reduced cardiac vagal tone and cognitive impairment in CFS and confirm previous reports of diminished vagal activity.

Full article: Reduced cardiac vagal modulation impacts on cognitive performance in CFS

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Stigma Budd-daliadau ym Mhrydain

Hundreds of thousands of poor, sick and disabled people say they have been put off applying for or collecting benefits because of the perceived stigma generated by false media depictions of “scroungers” – leading many to forgo essentials such as food and fuel, a new report by the Elizabeth Finn Care Trust claims.

The media is often blamed for levels of stigma in Britain. The report analysed media coverage of benefits in national newspapers from 1995 to 2011 found that while newspapers contain both positive and negative representations of claimants, the content of press stories is indeed skewed towards negative representations.

Benefit stigma in Britain is primarily driven by the perception that  claimants are ‘undeserving’. The majority of disability benefit claimants say their disability is not visible to people who first meet them.

The report concludes with recommendations on the design of the benefits system;   benefits delivery; the media; and public messages about benefits.

Report: Benefits stigma in Britain

Guardian article: ‘Scrounger’ stigma puts people off applying for essential benefits

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dioddefwyr Universal Credit

According to a report by the Chartered Institute of Housing, Universal Credit will deliver improvements on the current system but not all low-earning working households will really be better off e.g.:

  • Lone parents with one, two or three children
  • Most two child families with a single earner (either a loneparent or in a couple) who earns less than the living wage
  • Couples with three children if their earned income is less than £300 per week

Making work pay: Universal credit & low income working households

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Problemau Credyd Universal

A number of news stories have highlighted existing and potential problems with the plans for introducing Universal Credit, the benefit designed to replace income-based jobseeker’s allowance, income-related employment support allowance, housing benefit, working tax credit, child tax credit and income support.

Already at least £100 million over budget and problems sith the IT, the timescale has also slipped, despite confident assertions from the Department of Work & Pensions (DWP) that all is well.

Independent news report: Benefits reform under threat after IT glitch

The Commons Work and Pensions Committee said it had “serious concerns” about how those without bank accounts and internet access would adapt to the new consolidated monthly payment. The committee is urging the government to address these issues before the pilots begin and then carefully monitor the impact on people of the changes from the outset.

BBC news report: Vulnerable universal credit claimants may struggle, say MPs

Community Housing Cymru (CHC) launched a campaign to warn people of impending changes to the benefits system. Homelessness could increase and more people may turn to loan sharks if welfare reforms go ahead.

The UK government’s Welfare Reform Act also introduces a so-called “bedroom tax” in the social rented sector.  Tenants with spare bedrooms will see their housing benefit cut when the change is introduced next April.

The UK government’s own impact assessment calculates that 40,000 households in Wales will be affected.

Welsh Housing Minister Huw Lewis told BBC Wales he was concerned that authorities in Wales would be left to handle any resulting problems.

He said: “My greatest fear is just that; that the Welsh government, that Welsh local government and the third sector will have to pick up the pieces, the casualties if you like, of these precipitous changes that are a complete re-moulding of the welfare state in terms of housing benefits.”

BBC news report: Benefits reforms could increase homelessnes

The Northern Ireland Council for Ethnic Minorities (NICEM) has told a Stormont committee that it is “highly likely” there will be a legal challenge against the Welfare Reform Bill.

They are concerned by suggestions that EU migrant workers would possibly be paid at lower rates as “this would constitute direct discrimination”.  And  that a new resident’s test would be introduced which would require the worker to have been in the UK for two out of the last three years.   Such a test had previously been seen to be in breach of EU law.

BBC news report: Welfare reform bill legal challenge ‘highly likely’

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Athro Harrington adolygiad WCA terfynol

Prof Malcolm Harrington’s final, year three, independent review of the WCA (Work Capability Assessment) was published on 20th November.   He claims to have found his experience with the DWP much more encouraging, apparently with universal support for his efforts to make the WCA a more humane and caring assessment.

He acknowledges, whilst there have been improvements, progress has been patchy. There has been some limited progress in training professionals involved in the assessments, and work on improving descriptors particularly for mental, intellectual and cognitive conditions, and for fluctuating conditions, is ongoing. He is confident that there are significant and lasting improvements to WCA on their way.

An overview of the key findings and themes from this Review:

The main theme and feature of this Review is the need to complete the tasks that have been started:

  • Continuing to improve communications with claimants
  • Continuing to improve communications within DWP Operations
  • Continuing to improve the face-to-face assessment: DWP should monitor Atos performance more closely.
  • Establishing quality dialogue between DWP and First-tier Tribunals
  • Keeping the Decision Maker central to the assessment process and providing them with all the further documentary evidence they need to get the decision ‘right first time’
  • Continually monitoring changes to the WCA: the Review has seen, first hand, the changes that are beginning to take root. Considerable disquiet remains, and this cannot be ignored.
  • Completing work underway on the descriptors: momentum must be maintained to make changes to the cancer treatment provisions and to complete, evaluate and act on the findings of the evidence-based review.

In light of the positive progress made and the need to do more to embed progress made this Review has deliberately made fewer recommendations than in previous years. Consolidation and monitoring are the vital next stages: at this stage there is no evidence for a further period of radical reform.

An Independent Review of the Work Capability Assessment – year three

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Adolygiad Pobl y WCA

The WeareSpartacus campaign has published a review of the Work Capability Assessment:

It is now widely accepted that the Work Capability Assessment is deeply flawed and is causing harm to many vulnerable people.

Countless articles and reports have been written, statistics quoted, consultations, debates and discussions held, all to no avail.      The WCA continues.

The People’s Review is presented in order to show the reality of going through the Work Capability Assessment for those who are living with sickness and disability every day.    In their own words.

Real people, real experiences, real illnesses and disabilities.    And very real and serious consequences.

This Review is dedicated to all those who are suffering, have suffered and those who have died whilst going through this inhumane process.

People’s Review of the Work Capability Assessment

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Addasiadau rhesymol ar gyfer disgyblion anabl

The Equality and Human Rights Commission have published guides to the implementation of ‘reasonable adjustments’ in schools.  The duty was first introduced under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. The reasonable adjustments duty under the Equality Act operates slightly differently and has been extended to cover the provision by a school of auxiliary aids and services.

The object of the duty is the same: to avoid as far as possible by reasonable means, the disadvantage which a disabled pupil experiences because of their disability. This includes the limitations and disabilities caused by ME and CFS.

This guide will help school leaders and education authorities understand and comply with the reasonable adjustments duty, including the new auxiliary aids and services provision. It will also help disabled pupils and their parents understand the duty.

The focus of this guide is on the practical implementation of the reasonable adjustments duty in schools. It includes practical case studies showing how the duty can be applied in contexts which will be familiar to teachers.

Addasiadau rhesymol ar gyfer disgyblion anabl


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Gwestiwn Seneddol y DU: Royal Mail

Asked by The Countess of Mar:

To ask Her Majesty’s Government in what circumstances Royal Mail staff are required to open correspondence to the Department for Work and Pensions from claimants containing confidential medical information, as reported in the Independent on 8 September 2012; what special qualifications Royal Mail staff have to perform this function; whether claimants are aware of this practice; and how frequently the Royal Mail service is used. [HL2411]

A summary of the reply on 17th Oct 2012 from Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Work and Pensions (Lord Freud):

  • the contract with Balfour Beatty Workplace began in March 2007;
  • Balfour Beatty Workplace uses Royal Mail as a subcontractor to open DWP and ATOS post at Royal Mail opening units and to deliver opened and pre-sorted post to offices;
  • it is in line with EU law;
  • it offers significant cost savings and efficiencies;
  • strict security requirements are specified;
  • Balfour Beatty Workplace, as the lead contractor, audit the Royal Mail to ensure compliance;
  • the DWP website informs people how they will use personal data in the section: “DWP-your-personal-information”;
  • they are obliged to supply this information only when asked for it in writing and are allowed to charge a fee for this information, although the usual policy is not to charge;
  • DWP complies at all times with the data protection principles.

Read the full written answer



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Dr Dowsett on ME relapses

To commemorate the life of Dr Betty Dowsett the Young ME Sufferers Trust has posted online an article by her about ME relapses.

There’s No Smoke Without Fire! Some comments on the tendency to replase in ME

She lists the main principles of management as:

  • Conservation of energy
  • Reduction of stress
  • Simplification of work

Construct a lifestyle in which it is possible for the illness to stabilise and the sufferer to progress at their own pace towards realistic ambitions.

More about Dr Dowsett



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“A helping hand from Royal Mail this Christmas”

Are you on Pension Credit, Employment Support Allowance or Incapacity Benefit? Why not take advantage of Royal Mail’s generosity by purchasing up to 36 stamps at Christmas 2011 prices between the 6th November and 24th December. More details can be found:

  • on the Royal Mail website
  • or there should be a leaflet from Royal Mail popping through your letterbox explaining everything
  • or ring Royal Mail’s Customer Service on 0845 016 248.
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