Codwch ymwybyddiaeth gyda WAMES!

Ymunwch â ni i godi ymwybyddiaeth o ME:

  • Gwisgwch las ar y 12fed (un ai ruban glas neu ddillad glas) a byddwch yn barod i ddweud wrth bobl pam.
  • Ymunwch â’n Digwyddiad ymwybyddiaeth ar Facebook (FB) a gwahoddwch eraill – rhowch wybod i ni am eich cynlluniau codi ymwybyddiaeth a phostiwch lun fel y gallwn ni i gyd rannu yn y digwyddiad.
  • Dilynwch ni ar Twitter a thrydarwch am y materion sydd o bwys i bobl ag ME a CFS @WAMESMECFS
  • Dywedwch wrth bobl am ein blog newyddion fel y gallan nhw ddarganfod beth sy’n digwydd yng Nghymru.
  • Gosodwch google alert fel y gall Google eich ebostio pan fydd eitem o ddiddordeb yn ymddangos ar-lein – ac yna trosglwyddwch yr wybodaeth i bwy bynnag sydd angen gwybod!
  • Peidiwch ag anghofio noddi El Jones i eillio’i phen ar y 12fed
  • Wyddoch chi am weithiwr proffesiynol sydd â diddordeb mewn gwybod mwy am ME? Gofynnwch iddynt gysylltu â Jan er mwyn cael gwybodaeth am rwydwaith y gweithwyr proffesiynol. Rhowch wybod iddynt am y gynhadledd IiME yn Llundain ar 1af Mehefin a sut y gallant dderbyn gostyngiad.


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IiME medical conference – discount available for professionals

The 7th International Invest in ME Conference will be held on 1st June 2012 in London:

Building a Future for Research into ME: Clinical and Research Updates in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

Top experts will be speaking and important CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points are available for healthcare professionals.

WAMES will ‘sponsor’ professionals to attend so they will receive a discount. Contact Jan

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Chair yoga in Cardiff

A new Chair Yoga Class is designed to improve posture, breathing, balance, coordination and strength. It includes relaxation techniques and a short meditation which is all done sitting (and standing if able).

At Heath Citizens community Hall Heath Park.

Thursday mornings 10.30 to 12.  Cost £5.00 drop in –only, pay when you come.

Parking right outside and ramp to enter. More information

Contact Carol 02920217480 or email

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Mae Eleanor yn ‘codi gwallt ei phen’ i WAMES ar 12fed o Fai

El with hair

Mae El Jones, yn ddewr iawn, yn bwriadu siafio’i phen ar ddiwrnod Ymwybyddiaeth ME, 12fed o Fai, er budd WAMES ac yn eich gwahodd chi i’w noddi hi.

Mae El gyda ME ers pedair mlynedd ac yn byw yn Ne Cymru.

Bydd ei hymdrechion hi, ynghyd a’ch haelioni chi, yn caniatau inni barhau i weithio tuag at fywyd gwell i bobl hefo ME/CFS yng Nghymru.

E-bostiwch hi gyda’ch enw, manylion cysylltu a swm eich cyfraniad, a gwnaiff El gysylltu a chwi. Mi bostiwn y ffoto ar ol y siafio i brofi ei dewrder!




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Low brain activity in CFS

Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) had significantly less activation of the basal ganglia in response to a known stimulus compared with a control group, American researchers report.

Brain imaging during a simulated reward task showed reduced activation in the right caudate and right globus pallidus of patients with CFS. The reduction in activity (in the CFS group) correlated with measures of fatigue; the greater the fatigue, the greater the reduction in activation.

Given similar findings in patients treated with the antiviral cytokine interferon-alpha, inflammatory cytokines might be involved in chronic fatigue syndrome.

Fatigue is a common feature in neurologic disorders that involve the basal ganglia, such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis. The basal ganglia, which mediate motor activity and motivation, are vulnerable to the effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and the effects of interferon-alpha on the basal ganglia correlate with fatigue.

Because dopamine is the primary neurotransmitter in basal ganglia, dopamine metabolism may be important in CFS.

Decreased basal ganglia activation in chronic fatigue syndrome subjects is associated with increased fatigue Elizabeth R Unger et al

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Distinguishing between ME, CFS and CF

There is much debate on the diagnostic classification of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and chronic fatigue (CF). Post-exertional malaise (PEM) is stressed as a key feature.

A Thai study examines whether CF and CFS, with and without PEM, are distinct diagnostic categories.

Fukuda’s criteria were used to diagnose 144 patients with chronic fatigue and identify patients with CFS and CF, i.e. those not fulfilling the Fukuda’s criteria. PEM was rated by means of a scale with defined scale steps between 0 and 6. CFS patients were divided into those with PEM lasting more than 24h (labeled: ME) and without PEM (labeled: CFS).

The 12-item Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (FF) Rating Scale was used to measure severity of illness. Plasma interleukin-1 (IL-1), tumor necrosis factor (TNF)α, and lysozyme, and serum neopterin were employed as external validating criteria. Using fatigue, a subjective feeling of infection and PEM we found that ME, CFS, and CF were distinct categories.

Patients with ME had significantly higher scores on concentration difficulties and a subjective experience of infection, and higher levels of IL-1, TNFα, and neopterin than patients with CFS.

These biomarkers were significantly higher in ME and CFS than in CF patients.

PEM loaded highly on the first two factors subtracted from the data set, i.e. “malaise-sickness” and “malaise-hyperalgesia”.

Fukuda’s criteria are adequate to make a distinction between ME/CFS and CF, but ME/CFS patients should be subdivided into ME (with PEM) and CFS (without PEM).

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), and Chronic Fatigue (CF) are distinguished accurately: Results of supervised learning techniques applied on clinical and inflammatory data.  Maes M, Twisk FN, Johnson C.

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Iechyd Gweinidog yn sôn am ME

The BBC report on AMs’ questions for Health Minister Lesley Griffiths, highlights the difficulties patients have in finding healthcare from knowledgeable professionals in Wales.

Health Minister’s questions on ME services 25 April 2012  (Questions about ME begin at 5mins 42 secs into the videoclip.)

“Yn ol AC Llafur Julie Morgan mae angen gwneud mwy i helpu dioddefwyr ME yng Nghymru gan eu bod nhw’n aml yn cael eu camddeall gan weithwyr proffesiynol heb wybodaeth arbenigol ynglyn â’r salwch.

Cytunodd y gweinidog iechyd bod na lawer o gamddealltwriaeth a bod angen gwneud mwy i wella dealltwriaeth.

Ond mynodd y gweinidog iechyd fod llawer o waith eisoes wedi ei wneud gan Lywodraeth Cymru i wella gwasanaethau, megis darparu gwasanaeth e-pecynnau a sefydlu grŵp gorchwyl a gorffen i ymchwilio i’r broblem.

Gofynnodd AC Plaid Cymru Jocelyn Davies, i’r gweinidog os y byddai’r llywodraeth yn ystyried sefydlu clinig arbenigol i helpu’r 10,000 o ddioddefwyr yng Nghymru.

Fe wnaeth y gweinidog gytuno i ymgynghori â’r Byrddau Iechyd Lleol o ran y mater.”

NB WAMES has written to the Health Minister asking for more information about the e-learning package she mentioned.






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Change to ESA April 30th

About 100,000 ill and disabled people will lose their Employment and Support Allowance on 30 April 2012.

From that date a new time limit will apply to the Employment and Support Allowance which is paid on the basis of National Insurance contributions. It is called contributory ESA. At the moment it can be paid indefinitely. In future the allowance, worth £99.15 a week, will stop after one year.

The one year time limit will apply at once to an estimated 100,000 people who have already been on contributory ESA for at least a year. Another 100,000 will lose it by April 2013.

The time limit applies to people in what is called the Work Related Activity Group (WRAG). They have been assessed as able to return to work with some help. The time limit does NOT apply to those in the Support Group who are not expected to return to work because their condition is long-term and severe.

The time limit applies to ESA which is based on National Insurance contributions (contributory ESA). It does NOT affect the means-tested (income-related) ESA paid to those with a low income.

Find out more from Paul Lewis’s money blog

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Cwestiwn Ysgrifenedig y Cynulliad – Enseffalomyelitis Myalgig

David Melding (Canol De Cymru): A oes unrhyw gynlluniau i ddarparu clinig dynodedig yng Nghymru i drin Enseffalomyelitis Myalgig ac i helpu i ddatblygu gwasanaethau cymunedol. (WAQ60029)

Gweinidog Iechyd Lesley Griffiths:

“I am not aware of any plans to provide a designated clinic to treat Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) as this would be a matter for Health Boards. However, our work on the management of chronic diseases, including ME, is a high priority for the NHS in Wales, which is required to put in place appropriate measures to ensure prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment for patients, and to ensure care and support is provided in the right setting, by the right professional.

“To assist Health Boards in the management of this condition, the Care Pathway for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME was published in 2011. This helps health professionals in assessing and caring for people with this condition and ensures a consistent level of support and treatment. I expect all Health Boards to plan and deliver services in line with the Care Pathway.”

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CFS: The challenges in primary care: a webinar

A new continuing medical education program about CFS has been launched on Medscape as a collaboration between Medscape Education and the CDC, the Centers for Disease Control in the US.

The video program features expert physicians Dr Anthony Komaroff, Dr Lucinda Bateman and Dr Charles Lapp. Free registration is required to access.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: The Challenges in Primary Care

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