Author Archives: wames

Decode ME – more participants needed – spread the word!

Decode ME – the world’s largest  DNA study of ME/CFS   Led by Dr Chris Ponting the study aims to uncover whether the disease is partly genetic and, if so, help pinpoint what causes it. They need tens of thousands … Continue reading

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Research: Fighting Post-COVID and ME/CFS – development of curative therapies

Developing curative therapies for Post-COVID and ME/CFS   Prof Carmen Scheibenbogen and German colleagues believe there is a need to explore treatments for ME/CFS and long COVID even though research hasn’t yet uncovered the full cause/s of the conditions and … Continue reading

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ME/CFS service development in Wales: an update

ME/CFS in Wales   Since the new NICE guideline for the diagnosis and management of ME/CFS was published in October 2021 WAMES has been asking the 7 Health Boards in Wales if they plan to implement the guideline and how … Continue reading

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Research: Alcohol intolerance & ME/CFS

Alcohol intolerance and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome   Using questionnaires and statistical analysis Jason & Machiuch found that people with ME/CFS are more likely to experience alcohol intolerance. Those with alcohol intolerance had more symptoms, including orthostatic intolerance. Alcohol intolerance … Continue reading

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Videos: INIM ME/CFS conference 2023

Institute for Neuro-Immune Medicine Conference 2023   On May 19th in Florida USA the INIM conference, led by Dr Nancy Klimas explored the many parallels formed around COVID-19 and ME/CFS. Viral Reactivation, Mast Cell Activation, Systemic and Vascular Inflammation, and … Continue reading

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Video lecture: Using wearable technology with Long COVID & ME/CFS

Wearable technology for long COVID and ME/CFS with Harry Leeming   This video lecture by Harry Leeming is one of the Massachusetts ME/CFS & FM Association‘s May Sunday Conversations series. A former engineer, Harry Leeming has worked at multiple early-stage … Continue reading

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Research review: ME/CFS & Long COVID share similar symptoms & biological abnormalities

ME/CFS and Long COVID share similar symptoms and biological abnormalities   “In this review, we first compare the symptoms of ME/CFS and Long COVID, noting the considerable similarities and the few differences. We then compare in extensive detail the underlying … Continue reading

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Conference videos: International ME/CFS Conference 2023 (Berlin)

Understand, Diagnose, Treat – International ME/CFS Conference 2023   Leading international ME/CFS experts exchanged their views on the current state of research at the conference held at the Charité Fatigue Center, Berlin on 11-12 May 2023. Here are links to … Continue reading

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500 miles for ME: Carer Rob’s fundraising challenge!

500 miles for ME – Rob’s challenge   Rob says: On 8th June I will begin my challenge – to walk, 500 miles for ME over the course of 100 days to greet the sunrise at Paxton’s Tower, near Carmarthen. … Continue reading

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Carers Week 2023 – do you identify as a carer?

Carers Week 2023 campaign: Cross-Government action to identify and support carers   New Carers Week research reveals 19 million people in the UK have provided unpaid care, but haven’t identified as a carer. Without proper identification, carers miss out on … Continue reading

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