Category Archives: News

Natural Killer Cells in CFS/ME & Multiple Sclerosis

Research abstract: Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) and multiple sclerosis (MS) suffer from debilitating fatigue which is not alleviated by rest. In addition to the fatigue-related symptoms suffered by patients with CFS/ME and MS, dysfunction of the immune … Continue reading

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Major proposed US study acknowledges CFS is physical, not mental

Blog article: CDC study finds CFS is physical, not mental, by  Russell Logan 7 March 2016 Also the NIH has dropped the FMD component of its clinical study of post-infectious ME/CFS: Despite decades of suggesting otherwise, the CDC has just … Continue reading

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Potential diagnostic biomarkers in Natural Killer cells of patients with CFS/ ME

Research abstract: BACKGROUND: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME) is a complex multisystem disease of unknown aetiology which causes debilitating symptoms in up to 1% of the global population. Although a large cohort of genes have been shown to exhibit altered expression … Continue reading

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Human placental extract as a treatment for CFS?

ME research UK article, 9 March 2016: Human placental extract In Korea, human placental extract (HPE) is apparently used to treat various illnesses. In most other countries, it is considered an alternative and complementary therapy as there is little formal … Continue reading

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Mitochondrial myopathy – differential diagnosis of CFS

Article abstract: Introduction: Symptoms of mitochondrial diseases and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) frequently overlap and can easily be mistaken. Methods: We report the case  of a patient diagnosed with CFS and during follow-up was finally diagnosed with mitochondrial myopathy by … Continue reading

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Illness progression in CFS: immune signature changes

Research abstract: Background: Validation of biomarkers for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) across data sets has proven disappointing. As immune signature may be affected by many factors, our objective was to explore the shift in discriminatory cytokines across ME/CFS subjects … Continue reading

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PLOS One journal asks researchers for release of PACE trial data

The PACE trial researchers published an article in PLOS One in 2012, a journal that requires authors to allow other researchers access to their data. PLOS ONE notice: Update on follow up, 7 Mar 2016 PLOS ONE is actively following up … Continue reading

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Fatigue relating mechanism in Sjögren’s syndrome

Research abstract: OBJECTIVE: Chronic fatigue is a common, disabling and poorly understood phenomenon. Recent studies indicate that epigenetic mechanisms may be involved in the expression of fatigue, a prominent feature of primary SS (pSS). The aim of this study was … Continue reading

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The role of lactate in ME/CFS & FM

Cort Johnson asks: Lactate – Is it Everywhere in Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)?, 1 March 2016 Lactate (L-lactate) is an organic compound produced during anaerobic energy metabolism.  It’s constantly being formed – even when we are at rest … Continue reading

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Self-management helpful for idiopathic chronic fatigue

Research abstract: OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy of a cognitive-behavioral intervention for patients meeting U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) criteria for idiopathic chronic fatigue (ICF). ICF is thought to be a less severe disorder than chronic fatigue … Continue reading

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