Category Archives: News

EUROMENE epidemiological research – Dr Derek Pheby invites you to take part

Dr Derek Pheby invites you to take part in EUROMENE research 19th October 2020 Dear fellow members of the ME community, I wonder if I could, please, request your assistance. I am working with European colleagues in the EUROMENE collaboration, … Continue reading

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Take all post-viral illness seriously!

Take all post-viral illness seriously! WAMES is working to alert the NHS and politicians in Wales to the need to take ALL post-viral illnesses seriously. We’d like to hear about any signs the NHS in Wales is waking up to … Continue reading

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Cytokine profiling of extracellular vesicles isolated from plasma in ME/CFS

Cytokine profiling of extracellular vesicles isolated from plasma in myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome: a pilot study, by Ludovic Giloteaux, Adam O’Neal, Jesús Castro-Marrero, Susan M Levine, Maureen R Hanson in J Transl Med. 2020 Oct 12;18(1):387 [doi: 10.1186/s12967-020-02560-0]   Research … Continue reading

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Reductions in cerebral blood flow can be provoked by sitting in severe ME/CFS patients

Reductions in cerebral blood flow can be provoked by sitting in severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients, by C (Linda) MC van Campen, Peter C Rowe and Frans C Visser in Healthcare 2020, 8(4), 394 []   Research abstract: Introduction: In … Continue reading

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WAMES AGM news 2020

WAMES Annual General Meeting News, 2020   Our delayed AGM was held virtually on 26th September 2020.  It was a lively meeting and we are excited about the future. People: Chair & Campaigns coordinator: Jan Russell Acting secretary: Tony Thompson … Continue reading

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Short fatigue questionnaire: screening for severe fatigue

Short fatigue questionnaire: screening for severe fatigue, by Adriaan Penson, Sylvia van Deuren, Margreet Worm-Smeitink, Ewald Bronkhorst, Frank HJ van den Hoogen, Baziel GM van Engelen, Marlies Peters, Gijs Bleijenberg, Jan H Vercoulen, Nicole Blijlevens, Eline van Dulmen-den Broeder, Jacqueline … Continue reading

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A SWATH-MS analysis of ME/CFS peripheral blood mononuclear cell proteomes reveals mitochondrial dysfunction

A SWATH-MS analysis of ME/CFS peripheral blood mononuclear cell proteomes reveals mitochondrial dysfunction, by Eiren Sweetman, Torsten Kleffmann, Christina Edgar, Michel de Lange, Rosamund Vallings & Warren Tate in Journal of Translational Medicine vol 18, no: 365 (2020) []   Research … Continue reading

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Living with CFS during lockdown and a global pandemic

Living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome during lockdown and a global pandemic, by G Brewer, K Stratton in Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior, 1 Oct 2020 []   Research abstract: Objective Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a condition characterised by extreme fatigue that … Continue reading

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CFS in children population: current knowledge summary

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in children population – current knowledge summary, by Monika Prylinska, Natalia Skierkowska, Weronika Topka, Małgorzata Kwiatkowska in Journal of Education, Health and Sport Vol 10, #9, 635-643, Sep 2020   Review abstract: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelits (CFS/ME) … Continue reading

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How common are depression & anxiety in adolescents with CFS?

How common are depression and anxiety in adolescents with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and how should we screen for these mental health co-morbidities? A clinical cohort study, by Maria E Loades, Rebecca Read, Lucie Smith, Nina T Higson-Sweeney, Amanda Laffan, … Continue reading

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