Category Archives: News

Video: Very severe ME/CFS

Video: Very severe ME/CFS, from Broken Battery   Very Severe ME/CFS is a debilitating condition causing profound suffering and life-threatening symptoms. Patients are in bed all day and dependent on care. They need help with personal hygiene and eating, and … Continue reading

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Standing strong-Global ME community is unified in support NICE ME/CFS guideline

Standing strong – Global ME community is unified in firm support for the NICE 2021 ME/CFS guideline   WAMES has joined 56 leaders in the ME community from across the globe in writing a rapid response to the July 2023 … Continue reading

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Severe ME gallery 2023

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Oriel ME Difrifol 2023

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Severe ME Day 2023 – #EndmalnutritionInME

#EndMalnutritionInME – Severe ME day   August 8th marks an important day for the global ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) community as we come together to observe Severe ME Day. This year, the focus is on #EndMalnutritionInME, shedding light on the often … Continue reading

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Research: Impaired balance & physical capacity in ME/CFS & Long COVID

Impaired balance and physical capacity found in both ME/CFS and Long COVID   US researchers found that people with long COVID have reduced physical capacity and postural sway similar to people with ME/CFS, despite having the post-viral illness for an … Continue reading

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Introducing WAMES volunteer: Caitlin

Hi! I’m Caitlin and I volunteer with WAMES   I joined the WAMES team in late 2022. I’m currently progressing into my 3rd year as a Psychology student at university. For one of my previous modules, I had to find … Continue reading

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Research review: Immune dysfunction in susceptible people leads to the post-viral fatigue syndromes ME/CFS & Long COVID

Immune dysfunction, ME/CFS and long COVID   This review of research by the New Zealand research team led by Prof Warren Tate looks at immunological factors that may explain why some patients never recover from viral infections. It argues that … Continue reading

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Poem: This road, by Rachel Hazelwood

This Road: (I have walked this road before…..) By Rachel Hazlewood   Somewhere faintly whispering in the shadows of my mind Through an erstwhile firmly shuttered door A distant thought – a memory I’d hoped I’d never find I remember: … Continue reading

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WAMES says #ImplementNICEmecfs in Wales

WAMES supports NICE guideline implementation in NHS Wales   Graded Exercise Therapy and the PACE trial have raised their ugly heads again in an article by Prof Trudie Chalder and friends. They have launched a scathing attack on the ability … Continue reading

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