ME/CFS service development 

Health services for ME in Wales continue to be developed more slowly than everyone would like. A major reason for the hold-up is the length of time it takes to advertise and recruit new staff. WAMES continues to present Health Boards with patients’ views and Welsh Government staff are actively encouraging good practice.

This is what we know about the current state of development:

Aneurin Bevan UHB

ABUHB are working towards providing services for adults and children with ME and LC, including the severely affected and will be looking for residents’ views in a few months’ time.

Betsi Cadwaladr UHB

BCUHB’s plans are progressing for a Community Complex Conditions Service for adults, including the housebound, with the aim of engaging with residents around summer time. The revamped and reduced ME/CFS services in Llafairfechan near Conwy and Connah’s Quay will be absorbed into this.

Cardiff and Vale UHB

The development of a Long Term Conditions service in the Cardiff and Vale area is well under way, though the launch is taking longer than expected.  The information about ME/CFS on the Keeping me well website is much improved!

Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB

The Primary Fatigue Service launched in November 2023 and is aimed at adults with ME/CFS, Long COVID and post viral fatigue. WAMES would love to hear your feedback, if you have been accepted into the service.

Hywel Dda UHB

Plans to develop a Post Viral Service for adults and children are well under way, taking into account the results of engagement with patients in 2014-8. They hope to be ready to engage with the local ME community about their plans in June at the earliest.

Powys THB

WAMES has received no information about any plans for an ME-friendly service in Powys or plans to engage with patients and carers in the area.

Swansea Bay UHB

SBUB is developing a service for adults and children for ME/CFS and Long COVID, including the housebound. They are learning as they go and might not be able to offer all services at the beginning. They are also aware that much of the information on the health board website about ME/CFS and past services for Long COVID is out of date. They aim to seek the views of patients and carers before they launch.

Welsh Government

Policy managers have been assessing WAMES’ proposal for an all-Wales ME/CFS strategy, inspired by the English Delivery Plan, alongside individual residents’ views. We look forward to their response.

Members of Senedd are showing interest in the progress of the services and the views of people with ME/CFS in their constituencies. The Chronic Conditions Inquiry have invited WAMES to a private stakeholder event in February to discuss how services can best support people with ME.

Womens’ Health Care Plan

The Women’s Health Plan was launched in November 2022 with plans to set up a Network and monitor progress in implementing and measuring outcomes against the Women’s Health Quality Statement.

ME and LC are included in the Women’s Health Quality Statement but not mentioned in the Health Plan, and we believe it is important that chronic conditions facing stigma from having a preponderance of female patients, are included. We presented this view in January 2024 to the Senedd’s Womens Health Cross Party Group and we will continue to support Fair Treatment for the Women of Wales as they work to get better treatment for all women in Wales.

If you would like to join us and get involved with advocating for better services in your area, or on a national level, please get in touch:


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