Research abstract:


The evaluation of the dynamics of asthenia, chronic fatigue syndrome, emotional disorders and quality of life of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and to explore the possibility of using idebenon (noben) in treatment of these impairments.

Material and methods

We studied 35 patients, 18 men and 17 women, with MS (mean age 36.4±8.86 years, mean disease duration 10.33±6.07 years); 83% of patients had remitting type and others – secondary progressive type. Along with neurological examination, we used the Modified Fatigue Impact Scale (MFIS 21), the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and a quality of life questionnaire (EQ5D).

Patients had marked asthenia and chronic fatigue at baseline. The old age of the patients and duration of MS and its severity according to EDSS predicted the higher levels of asthenia, chronic fatigue and anxiety with depression and lower quality of life on EQ5D. All patients received noben in dosage 90 mg daily (30 mg 3 times a day) during 6 months.

Results and conclusion

Idebenon (noben) reduced the severity of chronic fatigue syndrome, asthenia and depression in MS patients. The dose used in the study may be regarded as the optimal dose that provides best efficacy with minimal side-effects.

[Asthenia, emotional disorders and quality of life of patients with multiple sclerosis.] by AV Lebedeva et al in Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 2014;114(10 Vypusk 2 Rasseiannyi skleroz):99-104. [Article in Russian],


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