Benefits & work blog post: Have you ever asked for a PIP or ESA face-to-face assessment to take place at home instead of at an assessment centre?

If so, would you complete Benefit & Work’s brief, anonymous survey to help other people going through the same process?

It doesn’t matter whether your request was granted or not. Or if you got one without even making a request. The purpose of the survey is to find out more about who gets a home assessment, who doesn’t and why.

We also want to find out more about what actually happens at a home assessment.

We’ll use the information you give us to help other people ask, and prepare, for a home assessment themselves.

We’ll also publish a summary of the results in the next newsletter.

In fact, we’ve already done a pilot survey and discovered things we would never have predicted – such as negative role of cats in PIP assessments and how tweets can help your claim.

One respondent told us that:

“I realised when I read the report afterwards that I was watched very carefully. She said in the report that as I was stroking my cat at the assessment that there was nothing wrong with me!!!”

Whilst another revealed:

“It was a humiliating experience. I felt that my disability was undermined at every turn. ATOS also followed my wife’s tweets about our experience and contacted our MP, who had been supporting us, to ask about our case. We now know that ATOS parliamentary staff follow #PIP. This ultimately helped my case because ATOS then investigated the F2F.”

Whatever your experience, Benefits & Work would like to hear from you.

Take part in the survey

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