Tag Archives: Health Minister

Betsi Cadwaladr UHB turning the corner?

Under-fire health board ‘turning a corner’ 100 days after being placed into special measures, according to its chief executive, by Mark Smith  16 Sep 2015 The decision to place Betsi Cadwaladr UHB under ministerial control was made by Health Minister Mark … Continue reading

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Welsh Independent Living Grant

A new £20m fund to support more than 1,600 disabled people in Wales with their care needs came into operation on 1st July, following the closure of the Independent Living Fund (ILF) by the UK Government. Disabled people with significant … Continue reading

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North Wales Health Board placed in special measures

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board is being placed in special measures, Health Minister Mark Drakeford has announced. Following concerns about the leadership, governance and progress in the Health Board, the Minister asked the Chief Executive of NHS Wales, Dr Andrew … Continue reading

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A new social care landscape in Wales

Major changes to the way people’s needs are assessed will introduce ‘a new social care landscape’ in Wales, by Mark Smith in Wales Online, 11 May 2015 Prof Drakeford claims the changes will stop people from receiving care packages only when … Continue reading

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Home from hospital fund announced

A new, £20m-a-year Welsh Government fund will support people in their own homes and local communities, reducing pressure on hospitals, Health and Social Services Minister Mark Drakeford announced 28 April 2015. The Welsh Government will invest a further £17.5m in the … Continue reading

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New arrangements for ILF in Wales

Future care and support arrangements for Independent Living Fund recipients in Wales, 13  March 2015. Professor Mark Drakeford AM, Minister for Health and Social Services: Having carefully considered the responses and views expressed I have decided, at this point, to … Continue reading

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MESiG petition for services in SE Wales update

16 Sep 2014 –  MESiG (ME Support in Glamorgan) handed in a petition to the National Assembly at the Senedd 23 Sep 2014 – The petition was heard in the Petitions committee and passed to the Health Minister 16 Nov 2014 … Continue reading

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What do you think of the Government’s ME/CFS services action plan?

The Health Minister, Mark Drakeford, has written to Local Health Boards drawing their attention to the Government’s Action Plan for improving services for people with ME, CFS and Fibromyalgia in Wales. Read it in English or Welsh. Email us or … Continue reading

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ME/CFS & FM Health Services Action Plan

On 16 September 2014 the Health Minister, Mark Drakeford, wrote to Local Health Boards drawing their attention to the Action Plan for improving services for people with ME, CFS and Fibromyalgia in Wales. The Action Plan was devised by the ME/CFS … Continue reading

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Neurological Conditions Delivery Plan published

Together For Health – A Neurological Conditions Delivery Plan up to 2017 for NHS and its partners   Mark Drakeford, the Minister for Health and Social Services, was pleased to publish on 8 May the Welsh Government’s Together for Health … Continue reading

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