Tag Archives: ME/cvs Vereniging

Dr Byron Hyde video lectures for ME/CFS patients

Science To Patients Webinars/ Wetenschap voor Patienten The Dutch ME/cfs Association (ME/cvs Vereniging) has posted seven webinars by Dr. Byron Hyde from Canada. Webinar 82. Introduction 0.45 How did you get involved in ME? 4.32 What is ME? 6.45 Definition of … Continue reading

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Dutch people with ME invite you to sign their petition – ME is not MUPS

Dutch ME Association ME/cvs Vereniging invites people in Wales to join them in signing a petition to the Dutch Health Council. They are concerned about attitudes to ME following the Dutch FITNET trial (which is now influencing research in the … Continue reading

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Prof Alan Light videos on fatigue and gene expression in ME/CFS

Professor Alan Light, from Utah University, talks about his involvement with ME  in videos posted on the Dutch Youtube site ME/cvs Vereniging. no. 58  Fatigue – the differences between generalised fatigue and the fatigue of ME/CFS no. 59  Genes & gene expression &  … Continue reading

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Prof Leonard Jason videos

Professor Lenny Jason, from DePaul University, Chicago, talks about his involvement with ME and some huge prevalence studies in videos posted on the Dutch Youtube site ME/cvs Vereniging. More will be added over the coming weeks.    

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Prof Julia Newton on ME muscles

Another video by Prof Julia Newton from Newcastle University has been added to the ME/cvs Vereniging Youtube site on metabolism in the muscles. In it she talks about acid accumulation in the muscles (0:24), how to handle it (2:38), the influence of … Continue reading

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Prof Julia Newton videos

The Dutch organisation ME/cvs Vereniging has uploaded another 3 videos on their Youtube site.  Prof Julia Newton from Newcastle University speaks about: 43. Introduction – experience with ME 44. Neurocognitive problems in ME 45. ME and the bloodflow 

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