Tag Archives: PEM

Differences in ME & CFS symptomology in patients with normal and abnormal exercise test results

Differences in ME and CFS symptomology in patients with normal and abnormal exercise test results, by Stephanie L McManimen and Leonard A Jason in International Journal of Neurology and Neurotherapy 2017, vol 4 issue 1, 4:066 [Published: March 21, 2017] Research … Continue reading

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Genes, mitochondria, autoimmunity & CFS: Prof Alan Light’s research

Health rising blog post, by Cort Johnson, 23 Feb 2017: Genes, Mitochondria, Autoimmunity and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: The Alan Light Talk Dr. Light has said that he wants to do for fatigue what researchers have done for pain; that is … Continue reading

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Dr Light’s video interview about his PEM research

Dr Podell’s blog, 9 January 2017: Powerful Proof that Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia are REAL and MAINLY PHYSICAL Dr Rich Podell interviewed Dr. ALan Light, Ph. D by Skype in a three part video series. His research … Continue reading

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Neural consequences of PEM in ME/CFS

Research abstract: Highlights: Acute exercise affects symptoms, cognitive performance and brain function in ME/CFS. Symptom provocation by exercise is a useful model to study post-exertion malaise. Objective neurophysiological evidence of the phenomenon of post-exertion malaise. Post exertion malaise is one … Continue reading

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Postexertion ‘crash,’ not fatigue per se, marks CFS

Medscape Medical News article, by Miriam Tucker, November 04, 2016: Post exertion ‘Crash,’ not Fatigue per se, Marks Syndrome Article extract: The name “chronic fatigue syndrome” is being phased out not just because it is viewed as trivializing a condition that renders … Continue reading

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Fear & avoidance or a desire for participation? a look at PEM

Livets bilder blog post, by Swedish blogger, 29 October 2016: Fear and avoidance or a desire for participation? A cardinal symptom of ME/CFS is Post-Exertional Malaise (PEM): “There is an inappropriate loss of physical and mental stamina, rapid muscular and … Continue reading

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Post-exertional malaise: an exploratory factor analysis

Research abstract: Post-exertional malaise is a cardinal symptom of myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome. There are two differing focuses when defining post-exertional malaise: a generalized, full-body fatigue and a muscle-specific fatigue. This study aimed to discern whether post-exertional malaise … Continue reading

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Are ME/CFS and FM immune exhaustion disorders?

Are Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and Fibromyalgia Immune Exhaustion Disorders?, by Cort Johnson 21 March 2016 When we think of immune problems we often think of the immune system going berserk and attacking healthy cells but another kind of immune … Continue reading

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Post Activity Relapse (PAR) or PEM?

Another contribution to the discussion of the key characteristic of ME, Post Exertional Malaise (PEM), comes from Kasper Ezelius of the Sweish patient group ME-föreningen: Suggestion to replace PEM by PAR Deterioration after mental or physical exertion is often referred as … Continue reading

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DOPE: Delayed Onset Post Exertional fatigue

Dr John L Whiting explains why he thinks the term DOPE is better than PEM or PENE: One of the biggest nuisances that ME/CFS sufferers have to contend with is the post exertional fatigue component. This issue was an aspect … Continue reading

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