How will health professionals learn about ME in Wales?


Decades of stigma, misunderstanding and struggle have been experienced by people with ME/CFS when they have attempted to access healthcare in Wales. Knowing this, and realising that no local medical experts have made themselves known, WAMES has been calling for a national programme of training for health professionals using experts from outside the country. (See Delivery plan for Wales proposal).

The response from the Welsh Government to North Wales MS, Mark Isherwood’s Written Questions (see below) about the subject in the Senedd, has been disappointing. Only one course has been run, teaching a Lifestyle medicine approach to ME/CFS. This has 6 pillars: mental wellbeing; minimising harmful substances: healthy relationships; healthy eating; sleep; physical activity!

WAMES has been asking for NHS Wales to run widespread training on the 2021 NICE guideline and to encourage its use across the health service. #ImplementNICEmecfs

Unfortunately WAMES is still hearing about GPs telling patients they have a psychological condition, showing the misunderstanding about ME/CFS persists. Whenever we talk to Welsh Government and Health Boards they ask for examples of patients’ recent experiences and how often the problems arise.

Please tell us your stories of healthcare so we can advocate for better services.

  • Does your GP (& others) know about NICE 2021?
  • Do they understand about PEM?
  • Do you feel confident about the information and advice you have received?

Tell us online, ring the helpline (029 2051 5061) or email

Don’t forget to tell us which Health Board area (and county) you reside in.

On 16 April 2024 Mark Isherwood MS tabled a written question in the Senedd:

WQ92480 (e)

How many training courses for GPs and health professionals in Wales have been run since the revised myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome NICE guideline was published in 2021?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, 19/04/2024

Since the revised myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome NICE guideline were published back in 2021, one training course has run in Wales which was attended by 19 delegates. The training was run as a webinar by HEIW in November 2023. The webinar was subsequently published and remains available.

On 16 April 2024 Mark Isherwood MS tabled a written question in the Senedd:

WQ92481 (e)
Have the Welsh Government and local health boards sourced expert myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome training from outside Wales and if so, from where?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, 19/04/2024

Dr Nina Muirhead has presented on myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) in the past – however this has not occurred since the pandemic or the publication of the 2021 update by NICE.

Health Education Improvement Wales (HEIW) ran a webinar as part of its Lifestyle Medicine Series on this topic in November 2023.

This training was sourced from within Wales.

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