Can you help WAMES to explain to service commissioners and doctors what it’s like to have ME? All Health Boards in Wales have begun to develop services and WAMES is talking to the people responsible. One of the things we am trying to get them to understand is that ME does not just equal fatigue, that there are many debilitating symptoms and that the fatigue is part of feeling ill and weak, not just feeling tired. It would help me to have some ‘case studies’ to illustrate those points.

Please send a paragraph listing the symptoms you described to your doctor in the early days and the effect they had on your life. We don’t need an award winning essay and it doesn’t have to be long. Many of us struggled to explain clearly to the GP how we felt, so a few unconnected sentences would give a good insight into the challenge GPs face. Please add a first name to identify your paragraph – it doesn’t have to be your real name – and the county you live in. If you’d like to add more about your experiences with doctors, treatments, Benefits, school, employment etc please do. It is always helpful to have real life examples when campaigning.

As well as using the info with service commissioners I hope to produce an info sheet including some of the ‘case studies’ and put it on our website. Your real identity will be kept confidential. Please send them to Jan.


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