Author Archives: wames

Arolwg cefnogaeth i ofalwyr Caerdydd a’r Fro

Mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Caerdydd a’r Fro, Cyngor Caerdydd a Chyngor Bro Morgannwg yn cydweithio i gael adborth gan ofalwyr sy’n byw yng Nghaerdydd neu Fro Morgannwg, er mwyn deall pa mor dda yr ydym yn eich cefnogi ac er … Continue reading

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Bwysig gwahaniaethu ME (gyda Post-exertional malaise) o CFS

Abstract Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) was identified as a new clinical entity in 1959 and has been acknowledged as a disease of the central nervous system/neurological disease by the World Health Organisation since 1969. Cognitive impairment, (muscle) weakness, circulatory disturbances, marked … Continue reading

Posted in Newyddion | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Bwysig gwahaniaethu ME (gyda Post-exertional malaise) o CFS rhwydwaith cymdeithasol is a new full-featured social network for 40-and-under patients with neuro-immune illness (ME/CFS, Chronic Lyme Disease, Fibromyalgia, Atypical MS, MCS, mold illness) It aims to: Connect patients that have the most medical details in common, so they can share their … Continue reading

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Cystadleuaeth farddoniaeth i godi ymwybyddiaeth

CF Alliance Poetry Contest Spread the word about CFS, ME & FM and have your poem printed on awareness postcards. The deadline is Tuesday , 1st April, 2014. Poetry Contest Guidelines Poems can be rhyming or non-rhyming. We suggest that you … Continue reading

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Ymarfer corff a ME / CFS fideos

Presentations from the “Exercise and ME/CFS” evening in Bristol on Feb 5th 2014 are now online. Speakers are Prof Mark VanNess, Dr Nigel Speight and Erinna Bowman. Prof Mark VanNess from the Workwell Foundation explains how damaging aerobic exercise can be … Continue reading

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Mae pobl ifanc yn teimlo’n ddiogel ar-lein? arolwg

The Welsh Government want to find out more about young people’s e-safety in Wales. Three surveys have been created in both Welsh and English: one for children and young people 0-18 years old one for parents one for professionals working … Continue reading

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Shop online through – raise money for WAMES

Do you shop online? Register with in 3 easy steps and raise money for WAMES at no cost to yourself. Every time you want to shop, go to and select any of 2,700+ stores. Retailers include: Amazon high street stores like … Continue reading

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Fideos ar-lein gan arbenigwyr ME

Dutch patient group ME/cvs Vereniging has hosted 30+ 3-10 minute talks about various aspects of ME on their Youtube page. Speakers include: Dr Nigel Speight (WAMES advisor); Prof Dr Kenny Meirleir; Prof Dr FC Visser; Dr Meinte Vollema, Dr Charles … Continue reading

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Allech chi fod yn ysgrifennydd WAMES?

The WAMES secretary’s post will become vacant at the April AGM. This post is critical for the smooth running of WAMES, an organisation which works to improve services and provide a better quality of life for people with ME in … Continue reading

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Severity of infection leads to CFS in adolescents

Abstract This study focused on identifying risk factors for adolescent post-infectious chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), utilizing a prospective, nested case–control longitudinal design in which over 300 teenagers with infectious mononucleosis (IM) [aka EBV or glandular fever] were identified through primary … Continue reading

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