Category Archives: Newyddion

Update on rituximab

Drs Oystein Fluge and Olav Mella have been given 2 million Norwegian Kroners (approx. £220,000) to help fund a larger multi-centre follow-up study to confirm their findings  that some people with ME had benefited from the immune modulator rituximab. This … Continue reading

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Poor effort not a factor in cognitive dysfunction in CFS

An Australian study used the Validity Indicator Profile (VIP) to examine whether reduced effort contributes to the cognitive deficits that are associated with CFS. Unlike most tests of effort, the VIP distinguishes between intentional and unintentional poor performance and does … Continue reading

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Voices from the shadow – people with ME speak out

Voices from the shadows is a compassionate and moving exposé, bearing witness to the devastating consequences of psychiatric prejudice and medical ignorance about one of the most prevalent illnesses of the 21st Century. The film presents interviews with medical experts … Continue reading

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Emily Collingridge 1981 – 2012

Author Emily Collingridge lived with severe ME for 24 years and died in hospital on the 18th March 2012 at the age of 30. Her book Severe ME/CFS: A Guide to Living was written at great cost to her health … Continue reading

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Chronic fatigue improves in first year with or without treatment

Researchers from London studied 222 patients reporting fatigue for over three months. They were given either ‘usual care’ – providing a booklet describing causes of fatigue and self-help techniques based on cognitive behavioural therapy – or NICE-approved therapies such as … Continue reading

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Spartacus: Disabled people’s views on welfare reform

Spartacus is a grass-roots movement that started with the publication of the Responsible Reform report which revealed overwhelming opposition to the UK Government’s proposed welfare reforms, in particular the proposal to reform Disability Living Allowance (DLA) The Report was entirely … Continue reading

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Adolygiad o Gwynion Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol

Gwneud pethau’n well – Adolygiad o Gwynion Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Rydym am wybod a ddylid diweddaru neu ddiwygio’r prosesau cwyno presennol i ddiwallu anghenion defnyddwyr gwasanaethau. Rydym eisiau sicrhau bod defnyddwyr gwasanaethau cymdeithasol yng Nghymru yn gallu mynegi pryderon a chwyno … Continue reading

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MESiG at the Senedd 21st March

The Cardiff based support group ME Support in Glamorgan (MESiG) is meeting AMs in the Senedd on 21st March 2012 to raise awareness of ME and highlight the lack of healthcare available in Wales. MESIG wants ME to be recognised … Continue reading

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Ampligen trial shows benefits for long-standing debilitating CFS

A major study on the effects of Ampligen (Rintatolimod) on CFS  provides added proof of Ampligen’s efficacy in ME/CFS following America’s Food & Drug Administration’s refusal to approve Ampligen for CFS in Dec 2009. 234 subjects with long-standing, debilitating CFS … Continue reading

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Ysgrif Nursing Standard – ME/CFS

Abstract: Chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) is a debilitating illness that affects many systems of the body, particularly the nervous and immune systems. The condition affects all age, racial, ethnic and socioeconomic groups. This article focuses on the … Continue reading

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