Dr Myhill interview on Sky TV Tues 5 June

Theo Chalmers (Edge Media TV) will be screening his recent 2 hr interview with Dr Sarah Myhill again on Tuesday, 5th of June at 8 pm on Sky Channel 200 (or manual tune on Freesat).

It is also possible to view the interview on demand on the Edge Media TV website for a fee of £2.49 per viewing.



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Inflammatory fatigue and sickness behaviour – lessons for CFS


Persistent and severe fatigue is a common part of the presentation of a diverse range of disease processes. There is a growing body of evidence indicating a common inflammatory pathophysiology underlying many conditions where fatigue is a primary patient concern, including chronic fatigue syndrome.

This review explores current models of how inflammatory mediators act on the central nervous system to produce fatigue and sickness behaviour, and the commonality of these processes in conditions as diverse as surgical trauma, infection, various cancers, inflammatory bowel disease, connective tissue diseases and autoimmune diseases.

We also discuss evidence indicating chronic fatigue syndrome may have important pathophysiological similarities with cytokine mediated sickness behaviour, and what lessons can be applied from sickness behaviour to chronic fatigue syndrome with regards to the diagnosis and management.

Inflammatory fatigue and sickness behaviour – lessons for the diagnosis and management of chronic fatigue syndrome SV Arnett, IA Clark

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Gynhadledd Clwyd ME – 8 Mehefin 2012

Conference Title: Take care/r of yourself

Date: June 8th 2012, 1130-1600

Venue: Connah’s Quay Civic Centre

Speakers: Simon Toghill, OT for Shropshire; NEWCIS Carers Trust

Price: £8, to include buffet lunch

More info: Clwyd ME Support group website

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EPP Self-Management Courses now online

EPP Cymru (Education Programmes for Patients) offer the following courses:

Chronic disease self-management programme – 6 week course for 2 1/2 hours per week throughout Wales. Learn how to plan and motivate yourself, breathe properly and relax, improve pain levels, solve problems, and cope better with pain, tiredness, depression, stress, loneliness, fear, anger, frustration, exercise and healthy eating.

Introduction to Self management workshop – 2 1/2 hours in Cardiff & Barry – for people living with a chronic condition and individuals who care for someone with a chronic condition who need confidence and skills to manage their health on a daily basis.

Looking after me – a 6 week course for 2 1/2 hours per week for carers

Online self-management course – being piloted in North & West Wales but open to people from all over Wales.

A user name and email address allows course participants to log on to the course remotely, 2-3 times per week, for a total of 2 hours each week. The course lasts 6 weeks and participants can access the course at anytime and anywhere there is internet access.

Course participants learn to:

  • Manage pain and extreme tiredness
  • Cope with feelings of depression
  • Relaxation techniques and exercise
  • Healthy eating
  • Action planning and problem solving techniques
  • Communication skills with healthcare professionals, friends, family and colleagues.

Sarah.tominson2@wales.nhs.uk or 01554 779507   Or

elois.davis@wales.nhs.uk or 01286 674236


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CFS seminar Bristol May 24th 2012

There will be a free seminar at Bristol University on Thursday, May 24, when Dr Brian Angus – director of the Wellcome Trust Centre for Clinical Tropical Medicine in Oxford – will discuss various theories about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

The seminar takes place at 4pm in Room LG.08 at Canynge Hall, 38 Whatley Road, Bristol BS8 2PS. It will be open to members of the public and there’s no need to book. There is disabled access.

The event is being staged by the university’s School of Social and Community Medicine. Contact Charlene Trew for more information.

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The proof El shaved her head for WAMES!

El Jones with shaved head

El Jones with shaved head

El with hair

El before the shearing!

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Western Telegraph urges people to wear blue to support ME

The Western Telegraph item about ME Awareness week:

‘A support group for people in Pembrokeshire living with ME is urging people to wear blue tomorrow to show support for International ME Awareness Day.

The Welsh Association of ME & CFS Support (WAMES) is also urging supporters to post a picture of themselves wearing blue on their new Facebook page.

The group has increased its social media presence to coincide with ME Awareness Week, which ends tomorrow, extending its online presence into Facebook and Twitter.

It is inviting people in Pembrokeshire with ME in Wales to share their stories through the social networks, or through their websitewww.wames.org.uk .

Pembrokeshire-based WAMES volunteer Sharon Price, who has had ME since her late teens said: “As there is no NHS specialist consultant for ME in Wales, charities like WAMES and the Mid and West Wales ME Group are vital sources of information and support for those diagnosed with ME and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

“We also campaign for better understanding and awareness of the illness and better services for those affected, as well as raising funds for biomedical research.â€

She said that WAMES would like to hear from people in Pembrokeshire with ME as well as their carers or family.

“We need to build up an accurate picture of people’s experiences of services so we can present patients’ stories to health professionals and service commissioners. “You can help by sending us your story, completing a questionnaire, or joining us on Facebook.’

Wear blue to support ME

Of course WAMES supports people all over WAMES, not just in Pembrokeshire!


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ME Awareness on Radio Cardiff May Sat 12th

Niki Stitch (musician) is appearing on Radio Cardiff Saturday 12th, 7-9am and is going to be giving ME Awareness Day a mention. Please tune in.

Her CD will be on sale for suggested donations of £3 -£5. All proceeds are going to WAMES and the ME Association. Ring in to order 02920 235664.

Soulful Saturday Breakfast on Radio Cardiff 98.7FM

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ME yn wanychol, nas deellir, dryslyd ac yn anrhagweladwy

Pippa Bennet yn disgrifio ei phrofiad o ME ar y We are Cardiff blog:

12th May is International ME awareness day. You know ME, it’s the lazy people’s disease? Well, it’s estimated that over 28 million people now suffer from it in the world and in the US alone, more people now have ME than AIDS.

I have suffered from ME for 13 years, since I was 14. I got glandular fever and it simply never went away. Instead it mutated into a new, terrifying beast. ME is debilitating, misunderstood, confusing and unpredictable. Even the name is debated. Many people prefer the term CFS or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome over ME which stands for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. It is pure medical semantics, but they both generally describe the same condition – depending on your doctor’s preferred interpretation! The prognosis is ill-defined and unknown too. The best anyone can tell you is that if you contracted it when you were under 18 then you stand a better chance of one day getting better than if you contracted it over the age of 18…

Read the whole article

Pippa’s blog

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MESiG AGM / Awareness event

Saturday 19th May at Ararat Baptist Church, Plas Treoda, Whitchurch CF14 1PT

4pm-5pm AGM/Presentations for members and potential members

Open to the public:

5pm-6pm Food, Browsing Stalls

6pm-7pm Guest Speaker

Guest speaker Naturopath Emma Jones- ‘Change your life and your symptoms forever’ with the healthy Jones naturopathic nutrition approach.

contact: 02920762347 christallaconstantinou@talktalk.net

MESiG: ME Support in Glamorgan

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