Dim digon o waith yng Nghymru ar gyfer bobl sal ac anabl

Amcangyfrifir y bydd 60,000 o bobl yng Nghymru, fydd yn colli’u hawl i fudd-daliadau anabledd ar Ă´l newidiadau i’r system budd-daliadau, yn ei chael hi’n anodd dod o hyd i gyflogaeth addas, yn Ă´l ymchwil newydd.

Mae adroddiad Prifysgol Sheffield Hallam, Tackling Worklessness in Wales, yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i ariannu cynllun creu swyddi gwerth ÂŁ100m i helpu i lenwi’r bwlch cyflogaeth. Mae graddfa cylogaeth Cymru yn waeth o lawer na rhannau mwy cyfoethog Prydain.


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Dau Astudiaeth Arall yn Methu Dod o Hyd i XMRV


Bu i astudiaeth Americanaidd, a gafodd ei gyhoeddi yn Science ar 1af o Orffennaf, fethu â darganfod tystiolaeth o XMRV a MLV’au yn samplau gwaed pobl hefo CFS gyda deiagnosis o XMRV.

Awgrymai’r hyn a fu iddynt ddarganfod y byddai sefydlu haint llwyddiannus o MLV yn anhebygol mewn bodau dynol. Canfyddasant hefyd ddilyniannau MLV mewn adweithyddion labordai masnachol, a ddangosai, yn eu tŷb hwy, y tebygolrwydd fod tystiolaeth flaenorol yn cysylltu XMRV a MLV’au i CFS wedi’i achosi gan lygriad labordy.

Mae canlyniadau astudiaeth Americanaidd arall yn yr un cylchgrawn yn awgrymu fod cysylltiad XMRV hefo afiechyd dynol yn bodoli oherwydd llygredd o samplau dynol gyda feirws a ddaeth o’r ailgyfuniad o ddau brofeirws yn ystod tramwyfo tiwmor mewn llygod. Dangosodd yr olofn olygyddol bryder.

Mae erthygl yn y cylchgrawn Nature yn gofyn os wnâ’r darganfyddiadau negyddol diweddaraf hyn gael effaith niweidiol ar ymchwil pellach i CFS ac addrodda fod awduron yr astudiaeth gwreiddiol a ddarganfyddodd XMRV wedi gwrthod tynnu’n ôl eu darganfyddiadau.




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Mae EEG yn gallu gwahaniethu cleifion Syndrom Llesgedd Cronig (CFS) oddiwrth gleifion iach a chleifion ag iselder

Mae ymchwil a gafodd ei arwain gan Yr Athro Komaroff o Ysgol Feddygol Harvard, wedi darganfod y gellir gwahaniaethu cleifion CFS nad ydynt yn cymryd meddyginiaethau oddiwrth gleifion ag iselder, er mae angen mwy o ymchwil cyn y gellir defnyddio EEG fel

EEG spectral coherence data distinguish chronic fatigue syndrome patients from healthy controls and depressed patients – A case control study


EEG spectral coherence analysis identified unmedicated patients with CFS and healthy control subjects without misclassifying depressed patients as CFS, providing evidence that CFS patients demonstrate brain physiology that is not observed in healthy normals or patients with major depression. Studies of new CFS patients and comparison groups are required to determine the possible clinical utility of this test. The results concur with other studies finding neurological abnormalities in CFS, and implicate temporal lobe involvement in CFS pathophysiology.



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Is-grwp Syndrom Llesgedd Cronig yn methu â gwella ar ôl ymarfer eilwaith

Mae ymchwil o Brifysgol Newcastle wedi darganfod is-grwp o gleifion Syndrom Llesgedd Cronig na allent gael budd o therapi ymarfer corff.

Loss of capacity to recover from acidosis on repeat exercise in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A case control study.

Conclusion: When exercising to comparable levels to normal controls CFS patients exhibit profound abnormality in bioenergetic function and response to it. Although exercise intervention is the logical treatment for patients showing acidosis any trial must exclude subjects who do not initiate exercise as they will not benefit. This potentially explains previous mixed results in CFS exercise trials.


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Therapist effects: CBT & CFS

A study from Kings College London asked why the effectiveness of therapists varies. They examined the effect of experienced therapists using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy on people diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. They concluded:

A number of important factors may have played a significant role in minimizing therapist effects in our study. These are: specialist setting, single centre, patients with the same primary diagnosis, therapists of the same orientation and training, shared environment and supervision. Future studies may stress the importance of these factors in the investigation of the therapist effect in psychotherapy.


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Gwyn’s charity walk across Wales

Gwyn Hopkins, a 60 year old grandmother has just completed a 150 mile trek across the width of Wales in aid of ME in 10 days using footpaths and bridleways and spending nights in her one woman tent.

Thirteen years ago Gwyn was struck down with M.E. After weeks in hospital she became bedbound in her own home and faced a future in which mobility meant being pushed in a reclining wheelchair.

Her walk across Wales was aimed at demonstrating to the tens of thousands of ME sufferers in Britain that a full recovery is possible. Also she wanted to raise funds for “M.E. Research UK”, a charity funding biomedical research into ME.

“I want to do it simply because – now – I can” says Gwyn “it is such a joy to be out in the countryside again after spending years in bed, unable to walk more than a few paces. If I can help or inspire M.E. sufferers at the same time then that’s great.”

Gwyn, a former Monmouth care support worker who now lives in Somerset, says she made her against-the-odds recovery with great family support and by adopting Complementary Therapies. It took her 5 years. More about Gwyn  Donate to her charity

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Unpaid carers save ÂŁ7.72 billion a year

New estimates, calculated by charity Carers UK and the University of Leeds, show the care provided by friends and family members to ill, frail or disabled relatives is now worth a staggering ÂŁ7.72 billion every year in Wales and ÂŁ119 billion in the UK. (1)

  • The figure has risen by over a third since the 2007 estimate, which stood at ÂŁ5.69 billion.
  • Carers’ contribution now far outstrips the total cost of the NHS in Wales (ÂŁ5.230 billion).

New estimates show that there are around 370,000 people in Wales providing care for ill or disabled loved ones that would otherwise cost the state ÂŁ18 an hour, meaning that each carer saves on average ÂŁ20,864 a year.

Given this massive contribution, Carers Wales argues that society must do more to support growing numbers of carers. Carers can calculate their individual contribution using a ‘Care Calculator’, as well as accessing advice and information.


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Emotion recognition and emotional theory of mind in chronic fatigue syndrome

Difficulties with social function have been reported in CFS, but underpinning factors are unknown. Emotion recognition, theory of mind (inference of another’s mental state) and ’emotional’ theory of mind (eToM) (inference of another’s emotional state) are important social abilities, facilitating understanding of others. This study examined emotion recognition and eToM in CFS patients and their relationship to self-reported social function.

45 CFS patients and 50 healthy controls completed tasks assessing emotion recognition, basic or advanced eToM (for self and other) and a self-report measure of social function. CFS participants were poorer than healthy controls at recognising emotion states in the faces of others and at inferring their own emotions. Lower scores on these tasks were associated with poorer self-reported daily and social function.

CFS patients demonstrated good eToM and performance on these tasks did not relate to the level of social function. CFS patients do not have poor eToM, nor does eToM appear to be associated with social functioning in CFS. However, this group of patients experience difficulties in emotion recognition and inferring emotions in themselves and this may impact upon social function.


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Insomnia and CFS

Dr Derek Enlander contributed the following to a discussion of a clinical review of the assessment and management of insomnia in primary care published in the BMJ (British Medical Journal):

“We all agree that insomnia is a secondary symptom of Myalgic Encephalitis/ Chronic fatigue Syndrome ME/CFS. Indeed it is included in the Fukuda and Canadian Consensus criteria. However it should be noted that the debilitating fatigue seen in ME/CFS should not be solely attributed to insomnia.

It would be simple if not simplistic to treat ME/CFS with hypnotics, while certain sleep medicine do help, they are not “curative” of this devastating physical disease.”

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Ymgyrch Byw’n Annibynnol NAWR!

Mynychodd Anabledd Cymru Dai’r Cyffredin ar 24ain o Fai i roi tystiolaeth ar lafar i Archwiliad y Cyd-Bwyllgor ar Iawnderau Dynol ar weithredu’r hawl i Fyw’n Annibynnol.  Mae polisiau cenedlaethol ar Fyw’n Annibynnol wedi cael eu cyflwyno yn Lloegr a’r Alban, ond nid yng Nghymru. Mewn trafodaeth yn y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol ar 12 Mai 2010, cafwyd cefnogaeth unfrydol ar draws y pleidiau o egwyddorion ymgyrch Byw’n annibynnol NAWR!, sy’n galw am strategaeth genedlaethol ar gyfer Byw’n Annibynnol.

Arwyddwyd deiseb Anabledd Cymru o blaid sefydlu strategaeth genedlaethol ar gyfer Byw’n Annibynnol gan 719 person ar draws y wlad. Edrychir ar y ddeiseb gan Bwyllgor Deisebau y Cynulliad.

‘Mae Byw Annibynnol yn ein galluogi ni fel pobl anabl i gyflawni ein nod ein hunain ac i fyw ein bywydau ein hunain yn y ffordd a ddewiswn ar ein cyfer ni’nhunain.’

(Anabledd Cymru 2010)


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