Category Archives: News

Blood cells in CFS are drained of energy

New Scientist article, by Andy Coghlan, 3 Nov 2017: Blood cells in chronic fatigue syndrome are drained of energy Blood cells in people with CFS seem as listless as it can make people feel Thirteen years ago, Cara Tomas was … Continue reading

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Norwegian Rituximab studies update

Helse Bergen blog post, 29 Sep 29017: RituxME B-lymphocyte depletion using the anti-CD20 antibody rituximab (Mabthera®) in Myalgic Encephalopathy/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (“RituxME”) ​RituxME is a multicentre study conducted in five study centres in Norway: the Oncology Department at Haukeland University … Continue reading

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Unrest film now available for download!

Jennifer Brea’s film Unrest is now available for download. iTunes $14.99 (£11.32) Amazon Prime US $14.99 Vimeo on Demand  £14.99 Google Play    £9.99 It will also be available on DVD in December. Proceeds from the sale of Unrest will be reinvested into the … Continue reading

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Treating autism and ME/CFS: could one drug help both?

Open Medicine Foundation blog post, by Cort Johnson, 19 October 2017: Treating autism and ME/CFS: could one drug help both? Autism is one of the most difficult conditions to treat. A neurodevelopmental disorder that typically strikes before the age of … Continue reading

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Cellular bioenergetics is impaired in patients with CFS

Research abstract: Cellular bioenergetics is impaired in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, by Cara Tomas, Audrey Brown, Victoria Strassheim, Joanna Elson, Julia Newton, Philip Manning in PLOSone [Published: October 24, 2017] Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a highly debilitating disease of … Continue reading

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Grey and white brain matter differences in CFS

Research abstract: Grey and white matter differences in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – a voxel-based morphometry study, by Andreas Finkelmeyer, Jiabao He, Laura Maclachlan, Stuart Watson, Peter Gallagher, Julia L. Newton, Andrew M. Blamire in NeuroImage: Clinical, Volume 17, 2018, Pages 24-30 [Preprint Available online 28 September … Continue reading

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Sleep quality in adolescents with CFS/ME

Research abstract: Sleep quality in adolescents with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME), by EK Josev, ML Jackson, B Bei, J Trinder, A Harvey, C Clarke, K Snodgrass, A Scheinberg, SJ Knight in J Clin Sleep Med. 2017 Sep 15; 13(9):1057-1066 … Continue reading

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Can physical assessment techniques aid diagnosis in people with CFS/ME?

Research abstract: Can physical assessment techniques aid diagnosis in people with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis?  A diagnostic accuracy study, by Lucy Hives, Alice Bradley, James Richards, Chris J Sutton, James Selfe, Bashkar Basu, Kerry Maguire, Gail Sumner, Tarek Gaber, Annice Mukherjee, and Raymond Perrin, Raymond in BMJ Open, October 2017 [Preprint]. … Continue reading

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North Wales Draft Plan for health & social care services – do you agree?

Draft North Wales Local Area Plan Following the publication of the regional population needs assessment on 1st April 2017, it is a requirement to publish a (North Wales) Local Area Plan by 1 April 2018. The first draft of the … Continue reading

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Are current CFS criteria diagnosing different disease phenotypes?

Research abstract: Are current chronic fatigue syndrome criteria diagnosing different disease phenotypes? by Laura Maclachlan, Stuart Watson, Peter Gallagher, Andreas Finkelmeyer, Leonard A. Jason, Madison Sunnquist, Julia L. Newton, in PLoS ONE 12(10) [Published: October 20, 2017] Importance: Chronic fatigue syndrome … Continue reading

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