Category Archives: News

Research: Neurochemical abnormalities in CFS

Neurochemical abnormalities in chronic fatigue syndrome: a pilot magnetic resonance spectroscopy study at 7 Tesla, by Beata R Godlewska, Stephen Williams, Uzay E Emir, Chi Chen, Ann L Sharpley, Ana Jorge Goncalves, Monique I Andersson, William Clarke, Brian Angus, Philip … Continue reading

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Legal challenge to NICE ME/CFS Guideline delay

Legal challenge to NICE ‘pause in publication’   On the 1st October a legal action was launched against NICE, claiming the failure to publish the final guideline for ME/CFS was unlawful – that NICE failed to follow it’s own rules … Continue reading

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Dr Muirhead: “the medical profession have massively underestimated hidden disease”

What long COVID awareness means for people with chronic illnesses   Dr Nina Muirhead is quoted in an article by Rachel Charlton-Dailey on the Verywell Health website, September 29, 2021   Hopeful for more acceptance and understanding There is hope … Continue reading

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Research review: ME/CFS: a neurological entity?

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A neurological entity?, by Inigo Murga Gandasegui, Larraitz Aranburu Laka, Pascual-Angel Gargiulo, Juan-Carlos Gomez-Esteban, Jose-Vicente Lafuente Sanchez in Medicina Vol 57, #10, p 1030, Sep 27, 2021 []   Review abstract: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) … Continue reading

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IAfME expands & relaunches as World ME Alliance

International Alliance for ME becomes the World ME Alliance As a founding member of IAfME, WAMES is excited to be part of the development and launch of the World ME Alliance. The Alliance is the only organisation in the world … Continue reading

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Research: A comprehensive examination of severely ill ME/CFS patients

A comprehensive examination of severely ill ME/CFS patients, by Chia-Jung Chang, Li-Yuan Hung, Andreas M. Kogelnik, David Kaufman, Raeka S Aiyar, Angela M Chu, Julie Wilhelmy, Peng Li, Linda Tannenbaum, Wenzhong Xiao, Ronald W Davis in Healthcare Vol 9, #10, p … Continue reading

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Hypothesis: Radiation exposure & mitochondrial insufficiency in CIFDS

Radiation exposure and mitochondrial insufficiency in chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome by Andrej Rusin, Megan Li, Alan Cocchetto, Colin Seymour, Carmel Mothersill, in Medical Hypotheses, Vol 154, Sep 2021, 110647 []   Research abstract: Chronic fatigue and Immune Dysfunction … Continue reading

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Research: ME/CFS is not influenced by the presence or absence of joint hypermobility

The presentation of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is not influenced by the presence or absence of joint hypermobility, by Sarah K Vogel, Isabelle R Primavera, Colleen L Marden, Marissa AK Flaherty, Richard L Violand, Peter C Rowe in the Journal of … Continue reading

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The ‘medically unexplained symptoms’ (MUS) concept, CBT & CFS

The ‘medically unexplained symptoms’ syndrome concept and the cognitive-behavioural treatment model, by Michael J Scott , Joan S Crawford , Keith J Geraghty , David F Marks in Journal of Health Psychology Sep 2021 [doi:10.1177/13591053211038042]   Article abstract: The American … Continue reading

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Diagnostic test hypothesis: iP stem cells as suitable sensors for FM & ME/CFS

Induced pluripotent stem cells as suitable sensors for fibromyalgia and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, by Maria B Monzon-Nomdedeu, Karl J Morten, Elisa Oltra in World Journal of Stem Cells Vol 13, #8, pp 1134-1150 [DOI:10.4252/wjsc.v13.i8.1134] August 26, 2021   Core Tip: Because … Continue reading

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