Involving people with ME and other energy limiting conditions: a guide


A new publication from the The World ME Alliance aims to promote inclusivity and empower individuals with energy limiting conditions.

Involving people with lived experience of disability is vital to ensuring that projects and initiatives are successful and relevant.

The new guide serves as a comprehensive resource for individuals, organizations, and communities to better understand and support those with ME and other energy limiting conditions. The guide’s primary objectives include:

  1. Enabling access for people with energy limiting conditions to utilise their skills and expertise
  2. Creating supportive environments that accommodate their specific needs
  3. Promoting the power of inclusivity

It covers the need for good communication, venue accessibility, online accessibility, catering, carers, quiet spaces, timing, expenses.

The guide is available in English and French, with plans for additional translations in the near future. Read more

Download in English


The World ME Alliance is a global coalition of organisations advocating for those affected by Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME). WAMES is a founding member.

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