Tag Archives: Bateman Horne Center

Orthostatic Intolerance explained – videos from Bateman Horne Center

What is orthostatic intolerance (OI)?   Two videos from the Bateman Horne Center in Utah, USA set out to explain orthostatic intolerance for health professionals and it’s role in ME/CFS. There is sufficient evidence to suggest a high prevalence of … Continue reading

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ME/CFS & Covid-19: information for you & your doctor

COVID-19 Information and Resources – Bateman Horne Center, March 2020   The Bateman Horne Center works for the medical advancement and treatment of  Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)and Fibromyalgia in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. In addition to the … Continue reading

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Cortene – a new drug trial & disease hypothesis for ME/CFS

Cortene In his blog, Health Rising, Cort Johnson introduces a new drug trial and hypothesis for ME/CFS. With the help of Dr Lucinda Bateman and Dr Suzanne Vernon a small drug company, Cortene, will be conducting a small proof-of-concept trial of a new … Continue reading

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Living with ME/CFS holiday survival guide

Bateman Horne Center article, by Leigh Reynolds, 13 Dec 2016: Holiday Survival Guide Living with ME/CFS and FM changes most everything, including how we celebrate the holidays. Perhaps one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, or a loved … Continue reading

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Dr Bateman’s ME/CFS progress report video

Dr Lucinda Bateman of the Bateman Horne Center in Utah USA, gives her perspective of the status of ME/CFS after spending October attending meetings and conferences around the world. “There is so much now, and it is moving very quickly…” said Dr. Bateman. “I … Continue reading

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Dr Bateman webinar: tools for managing ME/CFS

BatemanHorneCenter blog post, by Leigh Reynolds, 4 Aug 2016: Simple, Effective Tools for Managing MECFS, While there is no cure, FM and ME/CFS patients under her care often tell Dr. Bateman they are much better than they used to be. … Continue reading

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Bateman Horne Centre outlines steps to mainstream ME/CFS research

Health rising blog post, by Cort Johnson, 30 June 2016: Bateman-Horne Center Tells NIH to Create Building Blocks For Success For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome “The Bateman Horne Center – a clinic specializing in ME/CFS, with a large number of patients … Continue reading

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Dr Suzanne Vernon video lecture on sleep in ME/CFS

Sleep and ME/CFS – Suzanne Vernon, PhD at the Bateman Horne Center [uploaded on Oct 29, 2015] “What hath night to do with sleep when you have ME/CFS” Suzanne Vernon, PhD A Bateman Horne Education Meeting – October 7, 2015 … Continue reading

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