Category Archives: Newyddion

ME/CFS Primer for clinical practitioners

The International Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME (IACFS/ME) has published a Primer for clinical practitioners. It is available as a PDF file and is free to download, though donations are invited. A 42 page spiral bound print booklet can be … Continue reading

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SE Powys healthcare consultation

Public consultation on improving healthcare services in South East Powys Powys teaching Health Board has opened a public consultation on improving healthcare services in South East Powys following its public engagement exercise in 2011. A consultation document is available online … Continue reading

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Pioneer for ME, David Lewis 1939- 2012

Paediatrician David Lewis has died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 73.  As a consultant paediatrician at Bronglais hospital, Aberystwyth, he was one of very few doctors in Wales to take ME seriously in the 1980s and 1990s. His … Continue reading

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Painkillers are the cause of millions of headaches

The BBC reports the launch of the first NICE guidelines for the managment of headaches: Up to a million people in the UK have “completely preventable” severe headaches caused by taking too many painkillers, doctors have said. They said some … Continue reading

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Gwasanaeth Iechyd y Bobl

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn argyhoeddedig y bydd trafodaeth agored yn helpu i greu gwell iechyd a gwell gwasanaethau. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gwneud ymrwymiad i drafod gyda’r GIG a’r cyhoedd ar sut y gallwn weithio gyda’n gilydd i wella iechyd … Continue reading

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ME/CFS not linked to XMRV and pMLV viruses

A multi-site blinded study published in mBio. claims to put to rest the notion that XMRV and pMLV viruses cause ME/CFS: The causes of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) have long eluded scientists. In 2009, a paper in the journal Science … Continue reading

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Helpu pobl i gael y gorau o’u harian

Mae sesiynau Gwasanaeth Cyngor Ariannol am ddim a gyflwynir gan Gyngor Ar Bopeth Cymru yng Nghymru wedi bod ar gael ers mis Ebrill 2011. Ers sefydlu’r prosiect, mae mwy na 5000 o bobl wedi elwa o gyngor ariannol am ddim. … Continue reading

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Paneli Dinasyddion ar gyfer Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Cymru

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cynnig llawer o newidiadau yng Ngwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Cymru. Mae’r Llywodraeth yn sefydlu paneli ledled Cymru er mwyn i bobl ddweud wrth y Llywodraeth ym mha ffordd y gellir gwella’r gwasanaethau a ddefnyddient. Gofynnwyd i Gyfranogaeth Cymru, … Continue reading

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The disturbing truth about disability assessments: a GP’s view

Two recent television programmes made public what doctors and patients already know: fitness to work assessments being conducted in the UK by the private firm Atos are unfit for purpose and damaging. Why are doctors involved in this farce, asks … Continue reading

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Clonidine in the treatment of adolescent CFS:pilot study

Norwegian researchers have completed a trial into the use of Clonidine with adolescents with CFS. Clonidine is used for a wide range of disorders including hypertension, neuropathic pain, ADHD, anxiety/panic disorder, migraine and hot flushes. ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: This pilot study … Continue reading

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