Author Archives: wames

#WAMES_800 Fundraising volunteers needed!

#WAMES_800 Fundraising journey – Can you help?   As WAMES travels along our 8 month fundraising journey we are looking for people with a range of skills and interests to join us. Help us to climb the first column to … Continue reading

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ME/CFS Research Priorities Report 2022 welcomed by UK Government

ME/CFS Research Priorities Report 2022   During 2021 and early 2022 thousands of clinicians, patients and carers throughout the UK worked together to identify areas of ME/CFS that need to be researched. An ME/CFS Priority Setting Partnership (PSP) was set … Continue reading

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#WAMES_800 fundraising journey – free money by shopping online!

Fundraise for WAMES by shopping online   Do you know someone who shops online? Shopping online is very convenient, avoids the crowds and can sometime be cheaper.  Many of us order food, clothes, household items, holidays or business supplies online … Continue reading

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#WAMES_800 fundraising journey – Join us!

WAMES is going on a fundraising journey – Why?   We need £800 by the end of March 2023 Our income has dwindled, so we won’t be able to pay our basic bills after this year. We are not the … Continue reading

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A new Facebook page for WAMES

WAMES launches new Facebook page   A few days ago the WAMES Facebook page just disappeared! Our volunteer Jacob spent the weekend setting up a new page and over the next month we will be learning how to use it. … Continue reading

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#WomensHealthWales Report highlights gender related health inequalities for ME

Women’s Health Wales Quality Statement calls for improved care for women with ME    On Saturday 28th May, International Day of Action for Women’s Health, a report has been published by a coalition of charities and health organisations, which discusses … Continue reading

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Rethinking ME: a report by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

APPG on ME Report: Rethinking ME   The All Party Parliamentary Group on ME launched their report ‘Rethinking ME’ on Wed 25 May 2022 with the support of Sajid David MP, the UK Parliament Secretary of State for Health and … Continue reading

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BCUHB plan to improve ME/CFS services in north Wales

Plans to improve North Wales services for ME/CFS   WAMES has been asking Health Boards in Wales what plans they have to implement NICE guidelines, whether they intend to consult with patients and how they think their long COVID service … Continue reading

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Aneurin Bevan Health Board plans ME/CFS pathway

ABUHB plans to implement ME/CFS NICE guideline   WAMES has been asking Health Boards in Wales what plans they have to implement NICE guidelines, whether they intend to consult with patients and how they think their long COVID service might … Continue reading

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NICE outlines steps needed to put ME/CFS guideline into practice

NICE outlines steps needed to put ME/CFS guideline into practice   NICE has today, International ME Awareness Day (Thursday, 12 May 2022) published its implementation statement which sets out the practical steps needed to put its recent guideline on the … Continue reading

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