Author Archives: wames

Long COVID & ME/CFS – a systemic review & comparison of clinical presentation & symptomatology

Long COVID and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) – a systemic review and comparison of clinical presentation and symptomatology, by Timothy L Wong, Danielle J Weitzer in Medicina 2021, 57(5), 418; []   Review abstract: Background and Objectives: Long COVID … Continue reading

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Development of an inertial measurement-based assessment of disease severity in CFS

Development of an inertial measurement-based assessment of disease severity in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, by Turner Palombo, Suzanne Vernon, Shad Roundy in Digital Commons (Utah Space Grant Consortium grant) 2020 Paper 11. Published May 2021   Research abstract:  While myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic … Continue reading

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Case report: angina simultaneously diagnosed with the recurrence of ME/CFS

Angina simultaneously diagnosed with the recurrence of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, by Koki Li, Yuki Otsuka, Yasuhiro Nakano, Daisuke Omura, Kou Hasegawa, Mikako Obika, Keigo Ueda, Hitomi Kataoka and Fumio Otsuka in Diagnostics Vol 11 no. 3 [10.3390/diagnostics11030460] 6 … Continue reading

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ME Awareness raising in Wales 2021

ME Awareness in Wales 2021   Awareness raising can happen at any time, by anyone, but traditionally the ME community individually and in groups have focussed efforts around 2 dates in the year: International ME Awareness Day – 12 May … Continue reading

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‘Having severe ME/CFS is so close to being dead’: extremely severe ME/CFS – a personal account’

Extremely severe ME/CFS — A personal account, by Whitney Dafoe in Healthcare Vol 9, #5, p 504, April 27, 2021 []   Article abstract: A personal account from an Extremely Severe Bedridden ME/CFS patient about the experience of living with extremely … Continue reading

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The role of prevention in reducing the economic impact of ME/CFS in Europe: a report from EUROMENE

The Role of Prevention in Reducing the Economic Impact of ME/CFS in Europe: A Report from the Socioeconomics Working Group of the European Network on ME/CFS (EUROMENE) by  Derek F H Pheby, Diana Araja, Uldis Berkis, Elenka Brenna, John Cullinan, … Continue reading

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Pathophysiology of skeletal muscle disturbances in ME/CFS

Pathophysiology of skeletal muscle disturbances in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), by Klaus J Wirth & Carmen Scheibenbogen in Journal of Translational Medicine vol 19, no. 162 (2021) []   Review abstract: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Myalgic Encephaloymelitis (ME/CFS) … Continue reading

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I already have a job: Energy Limiting Chronic Illness (ELCI), social Inclusion, employment & Social Security

Centre for Welfare Reform report: I already have a job: Energy Limiting Chronic Illness (ELCI), Social Inclusion, Employment and Social Security. By Catherine Hale, Stef Benstead, Dr Kate Hardy and Dr Jo Ingold, April 2021   This report presents the … Continue reading

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COVID-19 & post-infectious ME/CFS: a narrative review

COVID-19 and post-infectious myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: a narrative review, by Sonia Poenaru, Sara J Abdallah, Vicente Corrales-Medina, Juthaporn Cowan in Therapeutic Advances in Infectious Disease. Jan 2021 [doi:10.1177/20499361211009385]   Bottom line Many post-acute COVID-19 symptoms resemble post-infectious ME/CFS Acute … Continue reading

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Introducing WAMES volunteers: Simon Horsman

Introducing WAMES volunteers: the treasurer   Early a nomad, by adoption, I’m a Brummie. My school song included the worthy thought “Die of service, not of rust.”   Wales is not the land of my fathers but it is the land … Continue reading

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