Category Archives: News

Treatment research: intranasal mechanical stimulation (INMEST)

Achieving symptom relief in ME/CFS with INMEST   A small Swedish study used intranasal mechanical stimulation (INMEST) to target symptoms in people with ME of autonomic dysregulation e.g. dizziness, fainting when standing up, digestive problems, sweating, vision problems. Participants received … Continue reading

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#newWAMESwebsite – Another donation brings our new website closer!

Another donation brings our new website closer!   A big thank you to the donors who contributed through PayPal to give us another £50 towards purchasing a new WAMES website. We now have reached £450 of our £1500 goal. #newWAMESwebsite … Continue reading

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The role of psychotherapy in the care of ME/CFS

Psychotherapy and ME/CFS   A group of European psychologists and researchers say that although ME/CFS is a physical, not a psychosomatic illness, psychotherapeutic help could improve the mental well-being and coping strategies of numerous people with ME/CFS. They suggest a … Continue reading

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WAMES Easter helpline closure

WAMES helpline hours   The WAMES helpline is run by volunteers and will be closed over the long Easter weekend.  0290 2051 5061   The helpline will be closed from 5pm Thursday 6 April – 10am Tuesday 11 April … Continue reading

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World ME Day posters launched: PEM

World ME Day posters launched exploring the 2023 theme   As we approach World ME Day on May 12th, the World ME Alliance is excited to announce the launch of six new graphics that explore different aspects of post-exertional malaise … Continue reading

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Research review: Sleep disruption in ME/CFS

Measurable sleep disruption in ME/CFS  Australian researchers reviewed the research which used objective measures, rather than patient surveys, to uncover the type and extent of sleep disruption in ME/CFS. Adult ME/CFS patients: spend longer time in bed longer sleep onset … Continue reading

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Research review: Heart & blood dysfunction in ME/CFS

Cardiovascular and haematological pathology in ME/CFS: a role for viruses   “The circulatory system (also called the cardiovascular system) is the body system that moves blood around the body. It consists of the heart and blood vessels. The blood carries … Continue reading

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Research: 2 symptoms can identify PEM in ME/CFS

Two symptoms can accurately identify post-exertional malaise in ME/CFS   Experienced researchers into PEM at the Workwell Institute in California set out to find a way of diagnosing PEM and believe they have uncovered important clues that they now need … Continue reading

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#newWAMESwebsite – another donation received!

The new WAMES website fund continues to grow!   A big thank you to 2 south Wales donors whose £50 donation takes us to £400! It is just 7 weeks since the fundraising challenge began so we are encouraged by … Continue reading

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Research: Adults with ME/CFS report high rates of youth symptoms

Adults recall childhood experience of ME/CFS   Prof Leonard Jason’s team in Chicago surveyed 617 adults and found a surprisingly high number (43%) had begun feeling ill while adolescents. They analysed their symptoms and experiences and found common themes, which … Continue reading

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