Category Archives: News

Increased Pattern-related visual stress during reading in ME/CFS

Research abstract: ME/CFS is a debilitating disorder affecting at least 250,000 people in the United Kingdom. This condition has a number of incapacitating symptoms including post-exertional fatigue, cognitive deficits, and flu-like symptoms. However, with an unresolved aetiology, controversial diagnosis, and no clear treatment, it … Continue reading

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Cognition and ME/CFS

Health Rising’s Cognition Resource hub contains 3 new papers with useful information about cognitive problems in ME. Cognition and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS): Key Findings and Seminal Papers- The what, where and why of the thinking problems found in ME/CFS, by … Continue reading

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MEA’s clinical guidelines for doctors – new edition published

The Eighth Edition of ME/CFS/PVFS: An Exploration of the Key Clinical Issues was published by the ME Association at the beginning of June. Dr Charles Shepherd comments: “We hope that you will find the new booklet easier to read and understand … Continue reading

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The Intestinal Microbiota & Virome – cause of infectious trigger in ME/CFS ?

Review abstract: Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a heterogeneous disorder of significant societal impact that is proposed to involve both host and environmentally derived aetiologies that may be autoimmune in nature. Immune-related symptoms of at least moderate severity persisting … Continue reading

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Brain white matter abnormalities in ME/CFS

ME Research UK research article, by Dr Neil Abbot, 25 May 2016: White matter abnormalities Most studies in ME/CFS are cross-sectional in nature – researchers look at patients and controls at one point in time and make comparisons between the … Continue reading

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Prof Ron Davis’ severe ME study finds problems with energy metabolism

ME Action news article, by Simon McGrath, 4 June 2016: Ron Davis: Preliminary data shows problems with energy metabolism Professor Ron Davis presented new findings from his Big Data study at Friday’s Invest in ME 2016 conference. Davis’s preliminary data … Continue reading

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People with ME/CFS have long been told it’s all in their head – these scientists disagree

The Canary blog, 8 June 2016, by Conrad Bower: CFS have long been told it’s all in their head – these scientists disagree A conference bringing together the brightest minds in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis a.k.a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) research, presented … Continue reading

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The Microbe Discovery Project

The Microbe Discovery Project makes a plea for donations. It is a patient-led initiative supporting Dr. Ian Lipkin & Dr. Mady Hornig’s ME/CFS research at the Columbia University Center for Infection and Immunity, Mailman School of Public Health, New York. “ME/CFS … Continue reading

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Systematic review of drug therapies for CFS/ME finds no drugs universally effective

Review abstract: Purpose: The pathogenesis of chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) is complex and remains poorly understood. Evidence regarding the use of drug therapies in CFS/ME is currently limited and conflicting. The aim of this systematic review was to examine the existing evidence on … Continue reading

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Carers week 2016 – carers need supportive communities

Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK. Carers Week 6-12 June 2016 The life chances of many of … Continue reading

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