Category Archives: News

Sleep characteristics, exercise capacity and physical activity in CFS

Research abstract Purpose: Unrefreshing sleep and lowered physical activity are commonly observed in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients, but how they might influence each other remains unexplored. Therefore, this study simultaneously examined the exercise capacity, sleep characteristics and physical activity … Continue reading

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A fatigue self-management approach could be cost effective

Research abstract Background Fatigue is a common yet difficult to treat condition in primary care. The objective of this study is to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a brief cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) based fatigue self-management (FSM) intervention as compared to … Continue reading

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Isometric yoga improves pain and fatigue in CFS

Research abstract Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) often complain of persistent fatigue even after conventional therapies such as pharmacotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, or graded exercise therapy. The aim of this study was to investigate in a randomized, controlled trial … Continue reading

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Cytokine expression doesn’t reflect symptoms in adolsecent CFS

Highlights of Norwegian research Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) might be related to altered cytokine expression. A total of 120 adolescent CFS patients and 68 healthy controls were studied. Individual cytokine levels where similar across the two groups. Cytokine network parameters … Continue reading

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Claims of ‘fear avoidance’ in ME are misleading

Following the publication of the latest PACE trail paper in the Lancet on 13th January,  there has been a flurry of media reports, many of which promote the findings as good news. Other articles counter the claims saying: people with ME are … Continue reading

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Kate and Paul’s story of ME & isolation – online

James Martin’s TV show Operation meet the street looks at loneliness. An episode screened on Dec 18th features young couple Paul and Kate in Ammanford. Kate has ME  and Paul is her full time carer. Their story begins at 4mins 50 Simon’s story … Continue reading

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CFS & FM reactions to Hepatitis B vaccine

Research abstract The objectives of this study were to gather information regarding demographic and clinical characteristics of patients diagnosed with either fibromyalgia (FM) or chronic fatigue (CFS) following hepatitis B vaccination (HBVv) and furthermore to apply the recently suggested criteria … Continue reading

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Hormones, autoimmunity and/or viruses at work in ME/CFS

Cort Johnson explores the significance of a study into age peaks in ME/CFS: Age patterns provide pointer A  Norwegian study of ME/CFS patient records that found two age peaks in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, one starting from ages 10-19, the other … Continue reading

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Cerebral blood flow & impaired neurocognition in POTS

Research abstract We hypothesize that upright cognitive impairment in patients with postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is caused by reduced cerebral blood flow (CBF). The CBF velocity (CBFv) measured by transcranial Doppler ultrasound decreased excessively during 70° tilt in a minority … Continue reading

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Fear avoidance beliefs as cause of fatigue and disability in CFS challenged

A paper published in the online journal Lancet Psychiatry claims that analysis of the PACE trial shows that fear avoidance of exercise plays a strong role in perpetuating fatigue and disability in CFS, and that the best treatment for this is CBT and GET. … Continue reading

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