Category Archives: News

Perceptions of European ME/CFS experts concerning knowledge & understanding of ME/CFS among primary care physicians in Europe

Perceptions of European ME/CFS experts concerning knowledge and understanding of ME/CFS among primary care physicians in Europe: a report from the European ME/CFS Research Network (EUROMENE), by John Cullinan, Derek F H Pheby, Diana Araja, Uldis Berkis, Elenka Brenna, Jean-Dominique de … Continue reading

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Managing COVID-19 post viral fatigue syndrome

Managing COVID-19 post viral fatigue syndrome, by Charles W Lapp and Joseph F John  in Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior, Feb 22, 2021   Article abstract: In online surveys, over 50% of persons who contract COVD-19 experience symptoms lasting longer than … Continue reading

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Recursive ensemble feature selection provides a robust mRNA expression signature for ME/CFS

Recursive ensemble feature selection provides a robust mRNA expression signature for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, by Paula I Metselaar, Lucero Mendoza-Maldonado, Andrew Yung Fong Li Yim, Ilias Abarkan, Peter Henneman, Anje A Te Velde, Alexander Schönhuth, Jos A Bosch, Aletta … Continue reading

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A systematic review of nutraceutical interventions for mitochondrial dysfunctions in ME/CFS

A systematic review of nutraceutical interventions for mitochondrial dysfunctions in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, by  in Journal of Translational Medicine vol 19, no.: 81 (2021)   Review abstract: Background Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a debilitating illness, characterised by … Continue reading

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WAMES AGM 27th March 2021

Annual General Meeting of WAMES   The annual business meeting of the Welsh Association of ME & CFS Support will be held virtually to appoint officers, review past events and plan future activities. As Covid-19 continues to impact life at … Continue reading

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Elin Williams: the mind/body split

Disability talk blog post: The mind/body split, by Elin Williams   As a chronically ill workaholic, I have a slight problem. My mind and my body don’t always cooperate. One races through the to-do list,  whilst the other demands rest. … Continue reading

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Mental health screening in adolescents with CFS/ME

Mental health screening in adolescents with CFS/ME, by Maria E Loades, Paul Stallard, David Kessler & Esther Crawley in European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (2021) []   Excerpts from Letter to the editor: Psychiatric co-morbidity in adolescents is common, with the … Continue reading

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Dysregulated provision of oxidisable substrates to the mitochondria in ME/CFS lymphoblasts

Dysregulated provision of oxidisable substrates to the mitochondria in ME/CFS lymphoblasts, by Daniel Missailidis, Oana Sanislav, Claire Y Allan, Paige K. Smith, Sarah J Annesley, and Paul R Fisher in Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22(4), 2046; 19 February 2021 … Continue reading

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Sex-based differences in plasma autoantibodies to CNS proteins in Gulf War veterans versus healthy & symptomatic controls

Sex-based differences in plasma autoantibodies to Central Nervous System proteins in Gulf War veterans versus healthy and symptomatic controls, by Mohamed B Abou-Donia, Maxine H Krengel, Elizabeth S Lapadula, Clara G Zundel, Jessica LeClair, Joseph Massaro, Emily Quinn, Lisa A … Continue reading

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Sick of the sick role: narratives of what ‘recovery’ means to people with CFS/ME

Sick of the sick role: narratives of what “Recovery” means to people with CFS/ME, by Anna Cheshire, Damien Ridge, Lucy V Clark, Peter D White in Qualitative Health Research Vol 31, Issue 2, 2021 []   Research abstract: Little is … Continue reading

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