Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in children population – current knowledge summary, by Monika Prylinska, Natalia Skierkowska, Weronika Topka, Małgorzata Kwiatkowska in Journal of Education, Health and Sport Vol 10, #9, 635-643, Sep 2020


Review abstract:

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelits (CFS/ME) is a chronic disease with complex pathophysiology and unknown etiology. It occurs both in children and adolescents, as well as in adults, with equal frequency. The clinical course is characterized by progressive fatigue, a significant reduction in the body’s efficiency, lack of relief despite rest, and numerous accompanying symptoms. Pathognomonic symptom for PE is the increase in fatigue after physical or mental exertion and the persistence of these symptoms for several hours or days.

The basis for effective treatment is primarily non-pharmacological treatment, including determining the optimal balance between physical activity and rest, which is aimed at preventing post-workout fatigue. Pain, insomnia, IO, and other symptoms can be treated with medication.

So far, little research has been done on the diagnosis and treatment of this disease in children. This publication aims to summarize the knowledge currently available on the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in children and adolescents.


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a serious, chronic disease that significantly impairs the
daily functioning of the patient and reduces his quality of life. Despite the increasing number of scientific publications in the field of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, its etiology and causal treatment have still not been established. Most of the conducted research concerns the adult patient population, which leads to a glaring gap in knowledge about the clinical course, diagnosis and treatment of pediatric patients. This monograph summarizes the currently available knowledge about CFS in the developmental age population and highlights the areas that require further research and further explanation.

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