Early growth response gene upregulation in Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)- associated ME/CFS

Early growth response gene upregulation in Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)- associated Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), by Jonathan Kerr in Biomolecules Vol 10, #11, p 1484,  Oct 26, 2020 [doi.org/10.3390/biom10111484]


Research abstract:

Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a chronic multisystem disease exhibiting a variety of symptoms and affecting multiple systems. Psychological stress and virus infection are important. Virus infection may trigger the onset, and psychological stress may reactivate latent viruses, for example, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).

It has recently been reported that EBV induced gene 2 (EBI2) was upregulated in blood in a subset of ME/CFS patients. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the pattern of expression of early growth response (EGR) genes, important in EBV infection and which have also been found to be upregulated in blood of ME/CFS patients, paralleled
that of EBI2.

EGR gene upregulation was found to be closely associated with that of EBI2 in ME/CFS, providing further evidence in support of ongoing EBV reactivation in a subset of ME/CFS patients. EGR1, EGR2, and EGR3 are part of the cellular immediate early gene response and are important in EBV transcription, reactivation, and B lymphocyte transformation.

EGR1 is a regulator of immune function, and is important in vascular homeostasis, psychological stress, connective tissue disease, mitochondrial function, all of which are relevant to ME/CFS.

EGR2 and EGR3 are negative regulators of T lymphocytes and are important
in systemic autoimmunity.

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The negative impact of the psychiatric model of CFS on doctors’ understanding & management of the illness

The negative impact of the psychiatric model of chronic fatigue syndrome on doctors’ understanding and management of the illness, by Keith Geraghty in Biomedicine, Health & Behavior, Oct 28, 2020 [doi.org/10.1080/21641846.2020.1834295]


Research abstract: 

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a disabling condition that greatly impacts the lives of sufferers. Many sufferers report problems getting a confirmatory diagnosis and difficulties getting doctors to believe them and offer support.

This paper explores this issue by examining a biopsychosocial (BPS) model of ME/CFS promoted within psychiatry and its potential influence on how doctors might view and manage the illness.

A narrative literature review is undertaken to identify salient theory and discourse for consideration.

dr with stop signPsychiatrists proffer a hypothetical model of ME/CFS aetiology and continuance, that instructs doctors to view the illness as a syndrome perpetuated by psycho-social factors that sustain unexplained symptoms such as fatigue, pain and post-exertional malaise, rather than symptoms being related to biological disease processes. The psychiatric model theorises that patients’ symptoms are maintained by their maladaptive beliefs and behaviours, requiring psychotherapy.

The psychiatric BPS model of ME/CFS may negatively bias how physicians approach the illness, with doctors directed to view patients’ complaints as manifestations of psychological distress, rather than physical symptoms that require medical investigation or intervention. This finding may help explain why many ME/CFS patients feel disbelieved and unsupported after seeking medical care. Psychiatric theory fails to acknowledge or incorporate a substantial body of evidence showing biological deficits associated with ME/CFS. Medical trainees and physicians need more training and clinical exposure to ME/CFS patients, armed with better awareness of misleading and unproven claims associated with the BPS model.

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Oxidative stress caused by a dysregulated Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway in… CFS

Oxidative stress caused by a dysregulated Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway is involved in abnormal placenta formation in pregnant mice with chronic fatigue syndrome, by Hai Zhao, Jian Zhang, Ning Qian, Shuguang Wu,  Yanjun Wu and Gang Yao in  Zygote, 1-8. 15 Oct 2020 [doi:10.1017/S096719942000057X]



Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is characterized by extreme fatigue and disabling symptoms. Women with CFS often have a high risk of gynaecological problems such as irregular menstruation, endometriosis and pelvic pain and sexual dysfunction.

Our previous results have shown that, in pregnant mice, CFS significantly decreased the progestational hormone level in serum, as well as learning and memory, and the function of the hypothalamus–pituitary–gonadal axis. In addition, the F1 generation also suffered from congenital hypothyroidism. At present, there has been no report about placenta formation and embryonic development in pregnant mice with CFS.

The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of CFS on the morphology, oxidative stress and Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway during placenta formation. In this study, we found that CFS decreased the number of implantation sites for blastocysts, and increased the number of absorbed, stillborn and malformed fetuses.

The morphology and structure of the placenta were abnormal in pregnant mice with CFS. Further study found that the oxidative stress in serum, uterus and placenta was increased in pregnant mice with CFS, while the levels of antioxidase were decreased. CFS also inhibited the Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway in the placenta. These results suggested that inhibition of the Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway and enhanced oxidative stress play an important role in abnormal placentation in pregnant mice with CFS.

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Substrate utilisation of cultured skeletal muscle cells in patients with CFS

Substrate utilisation of cultured skeletal muscle cells in patients with CFS, by Cara Tomas, Joanna L Elson, Julia L Newton, Mark Walker in Scientific Reports Vol 10, no. 18232, October 26, 2020


Research abstract: 

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients often suffer from severe muscle pain and an inability to exercise due to muscle fatigue. It has previously been shown that CFS skeletal muscle cells have lower levels of ATP and have AMP-activated protein kinase dysfunction.

This study outlines experiments looking at the utilisation of different substrates by skeletal muscle cells from CFS patients (n=9) and healthy controls (n=11) using extracellular flux analysis. Results show that CFS skeletal muscle cells are unable to utilise glucose to the same extent as healthy control cells. CFS skeletal muscle cells were shown to oxidise galactose and fatty acids normally, indicating that the bioenergetic dysfunction lies upstream of the TCA cycle.

The dysfunction in glucose oxidation is similar to what has previously been shown in blood cells from CFS patients. The consistency of cellular bioenergetic dysfunction in different  cell types supports the hypothesis that CFS is a systemic  disease. The retention of bioenergetic defects in cultured cells indicates that there is a genetic or epigenetic component to the disease.

This is the first study to use cells derived from skeletal muscle biopsies in CFS patients and healthy controls to look at cellular bioenergetic function in whole cells.

ME Research UK: Use of glucose for energy production in muscle cells from patients with ME/CFS

Key findings

    • Muscle cells from people with ME/CFS are less able to use glucose as a fuel to produce energy
    • This impairment in energy production may underlie the muscle fatigue that is characteristic of the illness
    • These results help narrow down where in the metabolic pathway the abnormality occurs
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CFS/ME in children aged 5 to 11 years: a qualitative study

Chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis in children aged 5 to 11 years: a qualitative study, by Amberly Brigden, Alison Shaw, Emma Anderson, Esther Crawley in Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry Oct 2020 [doi:10.1177/1359104520964528]


Research abstract:

Treatments for paediatric chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) have not been designed or evaluated for younger children (5–11-years). The development of a complex intervention for this population requires an in-depth understanding of the perspectives and psychosocial context of children and families.

Children with CFS/ME (5–11-years) and their families were recruited from a specialist CFS/ME service, and interviewed using semi-structured topic guides. Data were analysed thematically. Twenty-two participants were interviewed; eight parents, two children (aged nine and ten) and six parent-child dyads (aged 5–11-years).

Theme 1: CFS/ME in younger children is complex and disabling.

Theme 2: Children aged eight and over (in comparison to those under eight) were more able to describe their illness, engage in clinical consultation, understand diagnosis and self-manage.

Theme 3: Parents of children under eight took full responsibility for their child’s treatment. As children got older, this increasingly became a joint effort between the parent and child.

Parents felt unsupported in their caring role. Clinicians should consider different treatment approaches for children under eight, focusing on: parent-only clinical sessions, training parents to deliver treatment, and increasing support for parents. Children over eight may benefit from tools to help them understand diagnosis, treatment and aids for self-management.

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The lonely, isolating & alienating implications of ME/CFS

The lonely, isolating, and alienating implications of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Samir Boulazreg and Ami Rokach in Healthcare 2020, 8(4), 413; [doi.org/10.3390/healthcare8040413]


Review abstract:

This article provides a narrative review on myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) through a psychosocial lens and examines how this impairment affects its sufferers during adolescence and adulthood, as well as how it impacts family caregivers and healthcare professionals’ mental health.

Since there has been a lack of investigation in the literature, the primary psychosocial stressor that this review focuses on is loneliness. As such, and in an attempt to help establish a theoretical framework regarding how loneliness may impact ME/CFS, loneliness is comprehensively reviewed, and its relation to chronic illness is described.

We conclude by discussing a variety of coping strategies that may be employed by ME/CFS individuals to address their loneliness. Future directions and ways with which the literature may investigate loneliness and ME/CFS are discussed.

4.1. Summary

To reiterate, chronic illnesses that affect the central nervous system such as ME/CFS does produce psychosocial impairment in 40% of individuals [37]. Though this impairment varies from individual to individual, the age at which sufferers deal with the illness dictates broader and commonly reported themes. For example, adolescents plagued with this disorder miss significant amounts of schooling, which impedes social functioning and future career development skills and can lead to a loss of identity, all of which make young ME/CFS individuals question the meaning of life.

Additionally, a family who receives a diagnosis of ME/CFS for one of its members may experience disruptions of the family dynamic including sibling jealousies and rivalries, guilt, and, strained parent-child relationships resulting from parents and children needing to step into differing roles when assisting (e.g., a parent taking on the role of teacher when homeschooling or a child taking on the role of a parental figure when advising recommendations on what not to do). ME/CFS suffers who are single with no guardians and no dependents also have their own shares of concerns that they must deal with. This includes rumination and stress related to the financial impact of the disorder (e.g., the loss of work and the cost of treatment), fear about being unable to live a normal life and start a family, and decreased autonomy and an increase in reliance on a caregiver. Furthermore, the stigmatization of this illness results in dismissiveness and skepticism from peers, from authority figures (e.g., teachers and employers), and sometimes even from family members.

Concerning loneliness, the main focus of this article, we have provided a brief explanation of what loneliness is, how it may result in distress, unhealthy coping behaviors, and how it relates to chronic illness. In doing so, we have highlighted Leventhal et al.’s [78] study, which showed how one’s conceptualization of illness—e.g., the labeling of the illness and the perception of it, control over how one feels about it, expected consequences, and level of hopefulness—can greatly aid or vastly worsen one’s experience with their illness.

Several coping strategies that caregivers and sufferers of ME/CFS may benefit from were also mentioned, including empathetic behaviors, the attempt to stay in touch with the outside world, peer counseling, support groups, solitude, and the cognitive-behavior approach to how to think about the illness. Additionally, we emphasized the important role healthcare professionals can have with their patients and spoke about the power of spirituality and religiousness as a buffer to ME/CFS-induced loneliness.

4.2. Future Directions
As we previously mentioned at the beginning of this article, there is a lack of investigation surrounding loneliness and how it affects individuals with ME/CFS. As such, we would like to raise some questions that would be of interest and offer insights into conducting research studies with this population.

Questions that glaringly present themselves are: can adequately managed and prolonged exposure to social support networks mitigate symptoms of pain in ME/CFS patients? Additionally, would being in a support group amongst other ME/CFS individuals offer the same buffers to loneliness non-ME/CFS groups? Might these effects be observable via online support groups (e.g., Zoom, Skype, etc.) and would they produce similar outcomes as in-person groups?

The length of illness and how it relates to loneliness are also of interest. For example, since ME/CFS symptoms are present for a minimum of six months and up to, in some cases, more than two years [21], a longitudinal study that tracks loneliness and how one perceives their diagnosis of ME/CFS (including pain, irritability, feelings of control) would be of great interest and could afford insight on whether or not lesser amounts of loneliness translate to a shorter length of pronounced distress faced by the illness.

A specific look at personality traits, such as extraversion and introversion, and questionnaires related to perceptions of joy derived from outings, past job experiences/hobby enjoyment (e.g., Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire [125], The Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire [126], etc.) should also be noted and looked at for further perspectives on illness perception. For example, Davey et al. [122] found that individuals who ranked higher on openness to experience were more accepting of their own inner experiences dealing with chronic illness, resulting in significantly lower pain perception.

Additionally, while difficult, it would be fruitful to sample a comprehensive sample that includes many different cultures and/or backgrounds. Since different cultures are affected and tend to view loneliness differently [127,128,129], it would be interesting to observe if and how these cultural differences fare with respect to coping with ME/CFS. Answers to these questions would undoubtedly result in better treatment protocols and healthcare expectations.

5. Conclusions
Considering that loneliness, its accompanying stigma, and illness conceptualization have a devastating impact in exacerbating chronic illness, we deem the current lack of investigation between loneliness and ME/CFS a major omission in the ME/CFS literature. In closing, we wish to end this article on a quote from Williams-Wilson [10], a researcher who suffers from ME/CFS herself and who investigated the qualitative experiences of adolescents with ME/CFS; drawing from one of the emergent themes of her study, and her personal experiences, she remarked, “finding other people in the same situation as you, with the same struggles and daily trials makes one feel less alone and different from the rest of the world; it provides a sense of affinity and justification and helps alleviate feelings of isolation and loneliness.” (p. 317).

It is thus a healthcare imperative that we take the necessary steps to study and demystify the illness’ alienating and isolating aspects so that those suffering with ME/CFS can feel empowered and compassion from the medical community when dealing with the disorder. Future research may explore the assistance that others, family members, friends, and the community at large can offer those who are struggling with ME/CFS loneliness-related stress and emotional pain.

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The case of CFS-ME

The case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome-Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, by Leonard A Jason, Joseph Cotler, Shaun Bhatia, Madison Sunnquist, Chapter 17: Chronic Illness, pp 228-241 in Handbook of Research Methods in Health Psychology Nov 2020

Prof Leonard Jason’s team have contributed a chapter to a book on research methods in health psychology. They discuss the history & terminology controversy in ME & CFS


Chapter overview:

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) affect approximately 1 million Americans (Jason, Richman, Rademaker, Jordan, Plioplys, Taylor, et al., 199%); while some individuals believe that CFS and ME refer to the same illness, others characterize ME as a more severe, neurological disorder that is discrete from CFS (Twisk, 2013).

This controversy will be reviewed in detail. The widespread, debilitating symptoms of the illnesses include but are not limited to feeling sick after activity (known as post-exertional malaise), memory and concentration problems, and unrefreshing sleep (IOM, 2015).

Some researchers suggest that ME and CFS were first conceptualized under the diagnostic label ‘neurasthenia,’ defined as a neurological disease characterized by muscle weakness or fatigue. Notably, neurasthenia was one of the most frequently diagnosed illnesses in the late nineteenth century. However, use of this term had substantially decreased by the mid-twentieth century (Wessely, 1994)

Throughout the twentieth century, several outbreaks of idiopathic, fatigue-related illneses occurred, including ‘atypical poliomyelitis’ at Los Angeles County Hospital in 1934 (Meals, Hauser, & Bowe 1938), ‘encephalomyelits’ at the Royal Free Hospital in London in 1955 (Crowley, Nelon, & Stovi 1957), and ‘chronic mononucleosis-like syndrome’ in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, in 1984 (Barnes, 1986). After the Lake Tahoe outbreak, national attention began to focus on this illness (Wessely, 1994), and in 1988, it was named chronic fatigue syndrome by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC; Holmes, Kaplan, Gantz, Komaroff, Schonberger, Straus, ct al, 1988). For over two decades, the ease definition that the CDC developed (Fukuda, Straus, Hickic, Sharpe, Dobbins, & Komaroff, 1994) has been prominently used in research and clinical practice; however, the Institute of Medicine (10M) recently developed an updated clinical case definition (IOM, 2015).

The annual direct and indirect costs of ME and CFS in the United States are estimated to be between $19 and $24 billion (Jason, Benton, Johnson, & Valentine, 2008). Individuals with ME and CES have an increased risk of cardiovascular-related mortality and a lower mean age of death by suicide and cancer in comparison to the general US population (McManimen, Devendorf, Brow Moore, Moore, & son, 2016). In addition, arthritis, high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, and multiple chemical sensitivities are commonly comorbid (Jason, Porter, Hunnell, Brown, Rademaker, & Richman, 2011).

Although no virus has been identified as the cause of ME and CFS, the immune system may be overactive (Fischer, William, Strauss, Unger, Jason, Marshall, etc, 2014), and there is and fibromyalgia using regression tree analysis and artificial neural network analysis, composed of computer-based models used to evaluate complex correlations. The patients were randomly divided into two groups. One group served to derive classification criteria sets by sophisticated procedures, including artificial neural networks in parallel. These criteria were then validated with the second group.

Symptoms that best differentiated patients with ME and CES from the other patients were acute onset of fatigue and sore throat.

Additionally, a recent study highlighted that the duration of post-exertional malaise symptoms can distinguish ME and CFS from other chronic illnesses (Cotler, Holtzman, Dudun, & Jason, 2018). The lesson that is apparent from this section is that it is essential for a consensus on a case definition among investigators for establishing a solid empiric foundation in any illness or disease.

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PayPal Giving Fund


WAMES has signed up to PayPal Giving Fund.

Anyone can now donate to WAMES when shopping on eBay or paying by PayPal.  Buyers and sellers can support us by adding a donation during checkout or donating a percentage of their sales.

PayPal also gives you the option of adding Gift Aid.  PayPal doesn’t charge for this service!

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EUROMENE epidemiological research – Dr Derek Pheby invites you to take part

Dr Derek Pheby invites you to take part in EUROMENE research

19th October 2020

Dear fellow members of the ME community,

I wonder if I could, please, request your assistance. I am working with European colleagues in the EUROMENE collaboration, and we have been very successful in stimulating research into ME/CFS throughout Europe.

Researchers in Latvia and Italy have conducted fairly small-scale epidemiological studies, with the intention of producing an international comparison, and would like to be able to compare their results with data from the UK, where most of the epidemiological research into ME/CFS in Europe has been undertaken.

Epidemiology is the study of how often diseases occur in different groups of people and why.                             BMJ

I am very keen to encourage this development, as it is only through epidemiological research that we will be able to quantify the scale of the illness in Europe, which in turn will get added weight to our lobbying for increased resources both for research and for clinical and other services.

I have therefore developed a short survey instrument to enable collection of data which will facilitate the comparison my Latvian and Italian colleagues wish to make. This is necessarily limited in scope, because I am only asking the questions which have been asked in the surveys already carried out in Latvia and Italy. It’s therefore quite short, and it should be possible to complete it in under ten minutes.

If you:

  • are a UK resident,
  • have a medically confirmed diagnosis of ME/CFS, and
  • would like to participate

Take part in the survey https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/GX4HMU/

Please feel free to send this link to anyone else who might be interested and may want to participate.

I would be grateful for responses by the end of October, please.

The survey is of course completely anonymous, but, if you would like to receive a report of this study in due course and leave your email address at the end of the survey, or alternatively email me at derekpheby@btinternet.com I will make sure that this is sent to you.

Yours faithfully,

Professor Derek Pheby, 

Chairman, Socioeconomics Working Group, EUROMENE

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Take all post-viral illness seriously!

Take all post-viral illness seriously!

WAMES is working to alert the NHS and politicians in Wales to the need to take ALL post-viral illnesses seriously.

We’d like to hear about any signs the NHS in Wales is waking up to ME and post-viral illness.          Contact   jan@wames.org.uk    or use the contact form

[cartoon used with permission]

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