Tag Archives: consultation

Social Prescribing – Welsh Government consultation

What is a suitable model for social prescribing in Wales?   The Welsh Government want to develop a national framework for social prescribing and is asking Welsh residents to comment.   What is social prescribing?  Connecting people to community based … Continue reading

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WAMES response to draft NICE ME/CFS guideline

WAMES response to draft NICE ME/CFS guideline   This week WAMES sent in our response to the ME/CFS guideline consultation. Thanks to all who sent us their comments on the guideline and to those who have shared their stories and … Continue reading

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Give us your comments and questions for NICE by 14 Dec 2020

NICE ME/CFS draft guidelines consultation   The draft NICE guideline is open for consultation until December 22nd 2020. Send your comments and questions to us by Monday 14 December for inclusion in the WAMES response Contact the helpline or use … Continue reading

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Welsh Government consultation: Carers’ national plan for Wales

The Welsh Government (WG) is seeking views on a new national Plan for Carers. They want carers to be able to continue their own lives alongside their caring role. The WG want your views on: national priorities for unpaid carers … Continue reading

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Can you help the doctors of the future understand ME?

Can you help the doctors of the future understand ME? What should medical students learn about ME? Email Dr Nina Muirhead nina.muirhead@nhs.net with a list of what you think medical students should learn about the condition. Nina has already sent a … Continue reading

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WG Consultation: Action on disability: the right to independent living

Consultation – Action on disability: the right to independent living The Welsh Government is consulting on a draft framework and action plan that aim to: tackle inequalities and poverty experienced by disabled people promote equality of opportunity provide support to … Continue reading

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Children’s Commissioner for Wales’ consultation on issues facing children

The Children’s Commissioner for Wales wants to hear your views on what she should be doing to tackle the issues facing children and young people in Wales. The closing date is November 11th 2018. Your views will help shape their … Continue reading

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Consultation for carers – impact of the Social Services & Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014

National Assembly for Wales blog post: Consultation: Impact of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 in relation to Carers   View the background to this consultation Purpose of the consultation The Health, Social Care and Sport Committee would welcome your … Continue reading

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WAMES’ response to draft NICE ME/CFS guideline scope

NICE ME/CFS guideline consultation – WAMES’ response to draft scope Before work on the revised guidelines for ME/CFS can commence, the scope of the discussions needs to be agreed. On 26th July 2018 WAMES submitted final comments on the proposed … Continue reading

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Living with persistent pain in Wales: consultation Jun-Sep 2018

Welsh government open consultation, 5 June 2018: Living with persistent pain in Wales guidance Your views are requested on draft guidance to replace the Service Development and Commissioning Directive for Chronic Non-Malignant Pain 2008. Consultation description We are consulting on the … Continue reading

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