Tag Archives: United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

UN Committee Concluding Observations – UK going backwards on disability rights

Disability Wales Press Release, 31 August 2017: UN Committee Concluding Observations – UK going backwards on rights A ‘human catastrophe’ – New UN condemnation for UK human rights record The UK Government’s claim to be a ‘world leader in disability … Continue reading

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UK disabled groups address the United Nations & House of Lords

The UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) is reviewing the United Kingdom’s (UK) progress in implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – which the UK signed in 2009. Guardian article, by … Continue reading

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UN: ‘Grave’ disability rights violations under UK reforms

BBC news report, 7 November 2016: UK welfare reforms have led to “grave and systematic violations” of disabled people’s rights, a UN inquiry has said. Changes to benefits “disproportionately affected” disabled people, the UN Committee on the Rights of Disabled Persons … Continue reading

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Disability rights survey – be someone who speaks up for disability rights

Disability Wales blog post, 8 September 2016: Be someone who speaks up for Disability Rights Disability Wales wants to know your views on what the Government is doing for disabled people, and how well they’re implementing it. Also, we’re interested … Continue reading

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