Tag Archives: welfare cuts

UN Committee Concluding Observations – UK going backwards on disability rights

Disability Wales Press Release, 31 August 2017: UN Committee Concluding Observations – UK going backwards on rights A ‘human catastrophe’ – New UN condemnation for UK human rights record The UK Government’s claim to be a ‘world leader in disability … Continue reading

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e-petition to reverse ESA cuts

Reverse the ESA disability benefit cut: The House of Lords has been unable to stop a planned £30-a-week cut to disability benefits forced through by Government MPs. This will cripple those in receipt of these benefits, leaving many in literal … Continue reading

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Disability cuts ‘a suggestion’, cabinet minister Nicky Morgan says

BBC news: Disability cuts ‘a suggestion’, cabinet minister Nicky Morgan says 18 March 2016 Plans in the Budget to cut disability benefits, which have sparked threats of a Tory revolt, are “a suggestion”, cabinet minister Nicky Morgan has said. The proposals … Continue reading

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