£10 billion further welfare cuts – Hardest Hit campaign response

The Hardest Hit campaign has responded to the UK Chancellor’s announcement that the Government is to press ahead with plans to slash an extra £10 billion from the welfare budget by 2016-17.

Steve Winyard, chair of the DBC campaigns group and co-chair of the Hardest Hit coalition, says:

“The confirmation today of a further £10 billion of cuts to the welfare budget will inspire fear in disabled people across the country, who continue to be the hardest hit by cuts. We have already seen £9 billion removed from disability benefits and services in this Parliament. Disabled people are now at tipping point.

“Only two weeks ago the Deputy PM said talk of a further £10 billion welfare cuts was ‘wild’ and that the Lib Dems wouldn’t allow the deficit to be cut on the backs of the poorest. The Government has crucial choices to make over the next twelve months, and we are calling for assurances that they will get it right and rule out targeting disabled people with further cuts.”

The Hardest Hit campaign is organised jointly by the Disability Benefits Consortium (DBC) and the UK Disabled People’s Council (UKDPC). WAMES is a member of the Disability Benefits Consortium and supports the Hardest Hit campaign

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ME/CFS Primer for clinical practitioners

The International Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME (IACFS/ME) has published a Primer for clinical practitioners. It is available as a PDF file and is free to download, though donations are invited. A 42 page spiral bound print booklet can be purchased for $15 from the BookPatch website.

ME/CFS: a Primer for Clinical Practitioners has been developed by an international team of practitioners led by Dr Fred Friedberg.

Highlights of the Primer include:

  • A summary of the pathophysiological effects of ME/CFS to date
  • A user-friendly diagnostic worksheet utilizing the Canadian Consensus Criteria
  • Straightforward treatment suggestions covering an array of ME/CFS symptoms
  • Emphasis on post-exertional malaise and activity management
  • Sections on special populations/ problems (e.g. severely affected, pediatric ME/CFS, pregnancy)
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SE Powys healthcare consultation

Public consultation on improving healthcare services in South East Powys

Powys teaching Health Board has opened a public consultation on improving healthcare services in South East Powys following its public engagement exercise in 2011.

A consultation document is available online at  or in libraries and town councils across South East Powys.

Public meetings will be held on:

  • 8 October 2012 Hay on Wye County Primary School
  • 9 October 2012 Clarence Hall, Crickhowell
  • 11 October 2012 Talgarth Town Hall
  • 17 October 2012 Main Hall, Llandrindod Wells High School
  • 18 October 2012 Bishops Bevan Hall, Brecon

All meetings will begin at 6.30pm. Additional informal drop-in meetings will be publicised on the Powys teaching Health Board website.

This consultation closes on 30 November 2012. Please submit any responses by this date using the form that can be found in the centre of the consultation document.

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Pioneer for ME, David Lewis 1939- 2012

Paediatrician David Lewis has died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 73.  As a consultant paediatrician at Bronglais hospital, Aberystwyth, he was one of very few doctors in Wales to take ME seriously in the 1980s and 1990s. His care and concern for children who were often misunderstood and sometimes mistreated, led him to respond to calls for help from many parts of Wales and England. He was willing to travel far and wide to diagnose very sick children, support their families, and speak out against abuse (as in the case of Ean Proctor in the Isle of Man).

His clinic in Aberystwyth accepted adult patients for a time, even though this brought him into conflict with the hospital management. He had an acute intelligence and refreshingly open minded attitude to medicine. He practised homeopathy and recommended treatments that were often considered ‘alternative’. He was sometimes ridiculed by fellow doctors but he did not allow that to stop him looking for ways to safely relieve the suffering of his patients.

Dr Lewis was greatly missed when he retired and he will be remembered as a Pioneer for the physical illness Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. Many patients and families will always be grateful that he believed and supported them when no-one else in the medical community would.


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Painkillers are the cause of millions of headaches

The BBC reports the launch of the first NICE guidelines for the managment of headaches:

Up to a million people in the UK have “completely preventable” severe headaches caused by taking too many painkillers, doctors have said.

They said some were trapped in a “vicious cycle” of taking pain relief, which then caused even more headaches.

It is also recommending acupuncture in some circumstances.

Read the BBC report

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Gwasanaeth Iechyd y Bobl

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn argyhoeddedig y bydd trafodaeth agored yn helpu i greu gwell iechyd a gwell gwasanaethau.

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gwneud ymrwymiad i drafod gyda’r GIG a’r cyhoedd ar sut y gallwn weithio gyda’n gilydd i wella iechyd a gwasanaethau iechyd.

Y nod fydd ei gwneud hi’n haws i bobl gyfathrebu gyda’r GIG a’r Llywodraeth er mwyn cael y wybodaeth ar cymorth y maent eu hangen. Mae’r ymgynghoriad hwn yn gyfle i ddechrau’r trafodaethau yma.


Cyflwynwch eich sylwadau erbyn 24 Hydref 2012:


Yr Adran Strategaeth a Pholisi, Yr Adran Iechyd, Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Phlant, Llywodraeth Cymru, 4ydd Llawr, Adain y De, Parc Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3NQ

Rhif ffôn: 029 2082 3485

Gellir gwneud cais am fersiynau o’r ddogfen hon mewn print bras, mewn Braille neu mewn ieithoedd eraill.

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ME/CFS not linked to XMRV and pMLV viruses

A multi-site blinded study published in mBio. claims to put to rest the notion that XMRV and pMLV viruses cause ME/CFS:

The causes of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) have long eluded scientists. In 2009, a paper in the journal Science linked the syndrome-sometimes called myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)-to infection with a mouse retrovirus called XMRV (xenotropic murine leukemia virus (MLV)-related virus). Given that affected patients often have symptoms consistent with a chronic infection, this viral connection seemed plausible, and the findings were celebrated as a major achievement for a complex disease that afflicts nearly 1 million in the U.S. Another study in early 2010 published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences detected murine retrovirus-like sequences (designated pMLV: polytropic MLV) in CFS/ME patients, which provided further support for a viral theory.

Follow-up investigations by several laboratories were unable to detect XMRV or pMLV in CFS patients. However, none of them examined a sufficiently large population of well-characterized CFS/ME patients to rigorously test the validity of those findings. In the absence of a definitive study, many in the general public may have retained the opinion that XMRV and/or pMLV are responsible for the disease, and some clinicians continue the “off-label” prescription of antiretroviral drugs.

To definitively resolve this issue, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), commissioned a study under the auspices of the Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Food and Drug Administration, and the NIH’s National Cancer Institute and Warren G. Magnuson Clinical Center.

A total of 293 subjects, 147 with CFS/ME and 146 matched controls, were recruited from six sites across the United States following extensive clinical assessments and laboratory screening…

All CFS/ME patients chosen for the study: 1) were between the ages of 18 and 70; 2) had never suffered from another neurologic or psychiatric illness; 3) met both the “Fukuda” and “Canadian Consensus” criteria for CFS/ME; 4) were suffering from symptoms of a viral infection prior to CFS onset; 5) had reduced scores on the RAND36 quality-of-life survey (vitality subscale <35, social functioning subscale <62.5, role-physical subscale <50) and the Karnofsky Performance Scale (<70%); 6) were not pregnant, lactating, or less than 3 months postpartum to prevent maternity-related fatigue from being confused for CFS/ME.

Control subjects were recruited to match age, sex/gender distribution, race/ethnicity, and geographic location. Controls had no previous contact with individuals with CFS/ME. All potential subjects were then tested for evidence of any metabolic, endocrine, or infectious disease that might cause fatigue. Blood from CFS/ME and control subjects who met this selection criteria was collected for blinded XMRV and/or pMLV analysis using molecular, culture and serological methods, which were previously established in the individual laboratories where evidence of XMRV or pMLV had been reported or ruled out.

None of the laboratories found evidence of XMRV or pMLV in samples from the recruited CFS/ME or control subjects. For quality assurance of the molecular tests, separate positive controls (blood samples intentionally spiked with XMRV/pMLV) and negative controls (blood samples prescreened and lacking the retroviruses) were used and confirmed that the diagnostic assays were functioning properly.

Nine control and nine CFS/ME blood samples were positive for XMRV/pMLV-reactive antibodies. The accuracy of this assay cannot be determined because there are no positive controls in the general population with XMRV serology. Nonetheless, there was no correlation of antibody reactivity in blood from CFS/ME and controls.

Statement from Dr. Mikovits, the author of the Science paper wherein XMRV was first linked to CFS: “I greatly appreciated the opportunity to fully participate in this unprecedented study. Unprecedented because of the level of collaboration, the integrity of the investigators, and the commitment of the NIH to provide its considerable resources to the CFS community for this important study. Although I am disappointed that we found no association of XMRV/pMLV to CFS, the silver lining is that our 2009 Science report resulted in global awareness of this crippling disease and has sparked new interest in CFS research. I am dedicated to continuing to work with leaders in the field of pathogen discovery in the effort to determine the etiologic agent for CFS.”

“Although the once promising XMRV and pMLV hypotheses have been excluded, the consequences of the early reports linking these viruses to disease are that new resources and investigators have been recruited to address the challenge of the CFS/ME”, said W. Ian Lipkin, MD, director of the multi-site study and John Snow Professor of Epidemiology in the Mailman School of Public Health of Columbia University. “We are confident that these investments will yield insights into the causes, prevention and treatment of CFS/ME.”

from a Columbia University press release

View a video of Dr Ian Lipkin talking about the study

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Helpu pobl i gael y gorau o’u harian

Mae sesiynau Gwasanaeth Cyngor Ariannol am ddim a gyflwynir gan Gyngor Ar Bopeth Cymru yng Nghymru wedi bod ar gael ers mis Ebrill 2011. Ers sefydlu’r prosiect, mae mwy na 5000 o bobl wedi elwa o gyngor ariannol am ddim. Maen nhw wedi cyflwyno sesiynau o fwy na 160 o leoliadau ar ran y Gwasanaeth Cyngor Ariannol.

Mae’r sesiynau Cyngor Ariannol wyneb yn wyneb yn cael eu haddasu i ddiwallu anghenion ac amgylchiadau unigol a gallant roi’r wybodaeth a’r hyder y mae pobl ei angen i wneud y penderfyniadau ariannol sy’n briodol iddynt hwy. Er nad yw’r un peth â chyngor am ddyledion, mae gan gyngor ariannol botensial i helpu pobl i gynllunio ar gyfer dyfodol diogelach yn ariannol, gan leihau’r risg o ddyledion na ellir eu rheoli yn nes ymlaen.

Ceir llinell archebu ganolog ddwyieithog y gall pobl ei ffonio o unrhyw le yng Nghymru. Y rhif ydi 03003300520 ac mae ar agor bob dydd o’r wythnos ac ar ddydd Sadwrn. Gwasanaeth archebu ar-lein ar gael ar moneyadviser@citizensadvice.org.uk

Os oes gennych chi ddiddordeb mewn cael rhagor o wybodaeth – o gyfeirio cleientiaid i gynnal Sesiynau Cyngor Ariannol mewn lleoliad yn agos atoch chi – fe hoffem glywed gennych chi. Cysylltwch ag Ian Howell-Morgan, e-bost: ian.howell-morgan@citizensadvice.org.uk neu ffoniwch: 07814216494.

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Paneli Dinasyddion ar gyfer Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Cymru

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cynnig llawer o newidiadau yng Ngwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Cymru. Mae’r Llywodraeth yn sefydlu paneli ledled Cymru er mwyn i bobl ddweud wrth y Llywodraeth ym mha ffordd y gellir gwella’r gwasanaethau a ddefnyddient.

Gofynnwyd i Gyfranogaeth Cymru, i sefydlu’r paneli a chynorthwyo aelodau o’r paneli.

Rydym yn gwahodd pobl sy’n defnyddio’r Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol, gofalwyr y rheini sy’n defnyddio’r Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a phobl eraill sydd â diddordeb yng Ngwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Cymru, i wneud cais i fod yn aelodau o’r paneli hyn.

Bydd paneli pobl ifanc ar gyfer pobl sydd o dan 18 oed yn cael eu creu, a phaneli ar gyfer oedolion hefyd. Bydd y paneli yn cael ei rhoi ar waith yng Ngogledd, De Ddwyrain a De Orllewin Cymru.

Bydd y Paneli Dinasyddion yn rhoi ffordd i Lywodraeth Cymru wirio sut y maent yn ei wneud. Byddant yn gwneud yn siwr bod pobl sy’n defnyddio gwasanaethau cymdeithasol yn ganolog wrth benderfynu sut y dylai’r gwasanaethau hyn newid.

Bydd y Paneli yn rhoi eu sylwadau a’u barn ar lefel wirioneddol bwysig lle y gallant wneud newidiadau go iawn. Byddant yn helpu i fesur os yw polisïau a chynlluniau yn gwneud gwasanaethau yn well a byddant yn helpu i ddangos lle nad yw’r gwasanaethau yn cael eu gweithio cystal ag y dylent.

Bydd rhaid i aelodau’r panel adlewyrchu barn ehangach defnyddwyr gwasanaethau cymdeithasol a gofalwyr. Byddant yn edrych ar wasanaethau sy’n cael eu darparu ledled Cymru. Byddant yn dweud yr hyn y maent yn meddwl fel defnyddwyr gwasanaethau a gofalwyr, a hefyd yn dweud beth maen nhw’n feddwl yw’r pethau pwysicaf i ddelio â hwy.

Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn ymgeisio ac mae angen cymorth arnoch i wneud hynny, neu os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau, cysylltwch â ni; rydym yn barod iawn i’ch helpu. Ebostiwch participationcymru@wcva.org.uk neu ffoniwch 029 2043 1757.

Gofynnwn i chi anfon eich cais atom erbyn 5pm ar 21 Medi 2012.

Croesawir ceisiadau ysgrifenedig, fideo neu sain.


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The disturbing truth about disability assessments: a GP’s view

Two recent television programmes made public what doctors and patients already know: fitness to work assessments being conducted in the UK by the private firm Atos are unfit for purpose and damaging. Why are doctors involved in this farce, asks Margaret McCartney GP in the BMJ (British Medical Journal):

…Why are doctors involved in such a farce? Atos has been allowed to take over the assessment of the most vulnerable people in society without proper scrutiny. The many successful appeals, which cost the taxpayer £50m a year to administer, shows the system’s failure, and we do not know how many others do not appeal. Why are we not acting on the human cost of stress and anxiety caused by the assessments?

… The question of how we got ourselves into this mess is one thing. How we get ourselves out is another. Fear of losing their jobs, and the confidentiality agreements, means that few Atos Healthcare staff speak out. Bick was told, by a doctor who assessed a patient he had never met, to alter his examination findings. This should be intolerable. The BMA’s conference of local medical committees in March passed a motion saying that the work capability assessment was unfit for purpose.

The evidence for the processes that Atos uses needs immediate public scrutiny, and the harms of this system must be examined urgently. We should support and protect health professionals who work for Atos and want to speak out. We have allowed medicine to be made responsible for a dreadful process. We need to work together to make it clear that it cannot be.

Read the full article: The disturbing truth about disability assessments

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