Author Archives: wames

Research: Pacing with a heart rate monitor

Experience and attitudes towards Pacing using a heart rate monitor: survey results   A survey by researchers who were led by the Physios for ME group, found over 30 benefits to the use of heart rate monitors (HRM) by people … Continue reading

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Research: PEM in long COVID & ME/CFS

Post-Exertional Malaise in long COVID compared to ME/CFS   Researchers at the Bateman Horne clinic in Utah, USA asked long COVID and ME/CFS patients about PEM which they described as: “an unusual worsening of symptoms after minimal physical or mental … Continue reading

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Recovery from exercise in persons with ME/CFS

Measuring recovery from exercise in ME/CFS   US researchers used a  2-day exercise study (CPET) to discover how long it took people with ME/CFS to recover from exercise. The 80 participants with ME/CFS took an average of almost 2 weeks … Continue reading

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ME/CFS and Adferiad (Recovery) Long COVID

ME/CFS and Adferiad (Recovery) services   People in Wales, and further afield, have been expressing concern about plans to place ME/CFS services in existing Long COVID services. The Health Minister announced on the 14th March that there would be additional … Continue reading

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Research: ME/CFS is common in Long COVID patients

ME/CFS is common in PASC / long COVID   A US long COVID clinic found that 43% of PASC/ long COVID patients met the criteria for ME/CFS though they acknowledge that a larger more diverse group of patients might alter … Continue reading

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Research: Symptom-based clusters (sub-groups) in ME/CFS

Finding sub-groups in ME/CFS   Prof Leonard Jason worked with Dutch researchers to identify sub-groups of ME/CFS patients by symptom clusters. They used Leonard’s DePaul Symptom Questionnaire and data analysis software SOM. 45 subgroups were identified, some small. The researchers … Continue reading

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Welsh long COVID services to be opened up to ME/CFS & FM

Funding boost for services for long-term conditions   Health Minister Eluned Morgan has announced increased funding for Adferiad (long COVID) services. In 2022 she allocated £5m and this has now been raised to £8.3m for 2023. This will be shared … Continue reading

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#newWAMESwebsite fund is growing!

#newWAMESwebsite total reaches £350   A big thank you to Sharon’s birthday fundraiser friends for raising more money to add to other income which gives us an extra £150 to develop a new website. Read about the new website adventure … Continue reading

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Research: Urine – another way to show inability to cope with exercise in ME/CFS

Urine shows abnormal reaction to exercise in ME/CFS   A small study of 8 women gave surprising results when their urine was examined after an exercise test and compared to healthy people. “Our most unanticipated discovery is the lack of … Continue reading

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Orthostatic intolerance & chronotropic incompetence in ME

OI and CI in ME   Orthostatic intolerance and chronotropic incompetence in patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, by K Miwa in Circulation Reports 2023; 5: 55–61 [doi:10.1253/circrep.CR-22-0114] Research abstract: Orthostatic intolerance is a common symptom in ME/CFS, … Continue reading

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