Author Archives: wames

Fear & avoidance or a desire for participation? a look at PEM

Livets bilder blog post, by Swedish blogger, 29 October 2016: Fear and avoidance or a desire for participation? A cardinal symptom of ME/CFS is Post-Exertional Malaise (PEM): “There is an inappropriate loss of physical and mental stamina, rapid muscular and … Continue reading

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Causes and consequences of autonomic dysfunction in CFS

Thesis abstract: Introduction: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is an incapacitating condition characterised by extreme fatigue. In the absence of an objective diagnostic test CFS remains a clinical diagnosis based on a broad spectrum of symptoms, including autonomic dysfunction and cognitive … Continue reading

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A patient’s experience of ME/CFS and gaslighting

The Mighty blog post, by Siobhan Simper, 18 Oct 2016: We cannot continue to let doctors ‘Gaslight’ chronic illness patients Author’s warning: This post contains experiences of gaslighting and abuse. Recently, I saw an all-too-common meme on social media: the inspirational disabled … Continue reading

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Could gut dysfunction in Parkinson’s overlap with ME?

ME global chronicle article, October 2016: Parkinson’s disease protection may begin in the gut. Why an article on Parkinson’s in an ME-magazine, one might ask. There seems to be more and more suspicion that there’s overlap between Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and ALS with ME. The findings … Continue reading

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The thyroid question in FM & ME/CFS

Health rising blog post by Cort Johnson, 24 October 2016: The thyroid question in Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Fatigue, lethargy, mental sluggishness, difficulty tolerating heat and cold, depression, joint pain, headaches, morning stiffness…the list goes on and on. … Continue reading

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Could one gene help explain ME/CFS, FM, POTS, IBS, EDS, IBS and others?

ME/CFS, FM, POTS, IBS, EDS and others often exist in a kind of swarm of interconnected illnesses. All have been maligned at one time or another because of the wide range of symptoms they produce. How could a biological disease … Continue reading

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Severe ME in Australia: suffering ignored and denied help

ME Australia blog post, by Sasha Nimmo, 13 September 2016: Severe ME: Suffering ignored and denied help Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is estimated to affect between 0.4% and 1% of the population, according to the International Consensus Criteria primer for medical practitioners, endorsed by Australian … Continue reading

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Welsh Ambulance Trust booklet & app to aid communicating health needs

In 2013 The Welsh Ambulance Trust developed a bilingual Pre Hospital Communication Guide in the form of a small booklet. They have now developed an App version of the guide, which is available for everyone to use, you can download … Continue reading

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Dr Bested’s experience of treating gut symptoms in ME/CFS

Altered Gut Microbiome in ME/CFS, by Alison C Bested, October 2016 In 2007 as a doctor specialized in treating patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), I was curious to see if there was a relationship of the … Continue reading

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NICE takes a dim view of foreign work on ME/CFS

ME Association news blog post, 24 October 2016: NICE takes a dim view of foreign work on ME/CFS – Robin Ellis Freedom of Information request The main supplier of England’s drugs and treatment guidelines, the National Institute for Health and Clinical … Continue reading

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