Category Archives: News

World ME day 2023 – theme: PEM

2023 World ME Day campaign announced   From the World ME Alliance: The theme for World ME Day 2023 will be the hallmark symptom of ME: post-exertional malaise. The campaign is all about changing the narrative, so that globally people … Continue reading

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Research: Transcriptomics: female ME/CFS patients responded differently to an exercise challenge

Disrupted immune signatures found in females with ME/CFS   US researchers found that female ME/CFS patients responded differently to an exercise challenge that stimulates PEM, compared to healthy females.  They studied the RNA molecules in the cells (transcriptomics). The ME/CFS … Continue reading

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Treatment harms to patients with ME/CFS – GET & CBT

A review of treatment harms to patients with ME/CFS   Psychologist and researcher Dr David F Marks believes that as there is growing evidence that ME/CFS and PASC have similar symptoms “it seems highly possible that the same therapeutic approaches will … Continue reading

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Hypothesis: Cerebrospinal fluid pressure increase in CFS & FM

The role of increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure in CFS and FM   Belgian researchers reviewed research literature to find characteristics signs that are shared with empty sella syndrome and suggest that moderate or intermittent increases in cerebrospinal fluid pressure are … Continue reading

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#WAMES_800 fundraising target reached!

£800 raised will keep WAMES working during 2023   Grateful thanks goes to the Carmarthenshire ME Support Group for donating £100. This means we have reached our #WAMES_800 fundraising goal and we will be able to pay bills for running … Continue reading

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Call for WHO to recognise energy limiting disabilities

World ME Alliance highlights energy limiting disabilities   As a founding member of  the World ME Alliance WAMES joins ME organisations round the world in calling for better understanding in the WHO of the challenges people with ME and long … Continue reading

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Research – active HHV-6 & EBV infection found in ME/CFS

Active viruses found in people with ME/CFS   A German US collaboration examined tissue from the bodies of people who had had ME/CFS. They found active infection from Human herpes virus (HHV) and Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) in various regions … Continue reading

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ME/CFS & Post-COVID Syndrome: a common neuroimmune ground

ME/CFS and Post-COVID syndrome – close relationship   Russian researchers analysed the wide range of symptoms in people with ME/CFS and in those with long COVID, many of  whom met the criteria for ME/CFS. The symptoms fell into the categories … Continue reading

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Neuro Cafe, Aberystwyth 30 January 2023

Ceredigion neuro cafe   A get together for people affected by neurological conditions. At Plas Antaron, Aberystwyth, SY23 1SF 11-1pm, 30 January, 27 February, 27 March 2023 Contact  01970 611550

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Research: Muscle sodium overload in patients with ME/CFS

Muscle sodium content in patients with ME/CFS   A German team of researchers used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to measure levels of sodium in the tissues of the legs of people with ME/CFS and healthy people. Too much sodium can … Continue reading

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