Category Archives: News

Sleep disturbance in children with CFS

Review abstract OBJECTIVE: Children and adolescents with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) frequently report sleep disturbances. However, little is known about the nature and severity of sleep disturbance and factors associated with sleep problems in pediatric CFS. The purpose of this … Continue reading

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Could change of diet help children with fatigue?

Research abstract: Many children deal with fatigue for which no proper treatment can be given. A possible explanation for their fatigue is a micro deficiency of minerals and vitamins. In this non-randomized controlled trial, we clinically evaluated symptoms of fatigue in … Continue reading

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Activity and CFS

[Letter from Joan Crawford: In the February 2015 edition of Therapy Today (News, p6) there is a short report on exercise and CFS. Uncritically your report states, ‘Both [CBT aimed at increasing patients activity and GET (graded exercise therapy)] have been … Continue reading

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Improving academic access for students with ME/CFS

Article abstract: Students with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) often struggle to achieve academic success not only due to symptom interference, but also because educators may lack an understanding of the cognitive and learning deficits that accompany the illness. Traditional … Continue reading

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Countess of Mar on politics and ME

The Countess of Mar addressed the Royal Society of Medicine’s meeting: ME/CFS: Frontiers in research, clinical practice and public perception, Wednesday 18 March 2015 Ladies and gentlemen, I am grateful to the Royal Society of Medicine who have given me the … Continue reading

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Patient outcomes

Review abstract: Social processes have been suggested as important in the maintenance of chronic fatigue syndrome (also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis; CFS/ME), but the specific role of close interpersonal relationships remains unclear. We reviewed 14 articles investigating significant other responses … Continue reading

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B cells in the immune systems of people with CFS

Research abstract Limited immunological changes have been previously reported in B cell phenotype in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) patients, so there is no clear established role of B cells in the pathophysiology of CFS patients. The aim of this study … Continue reading

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The nature of fatigue in CFS

Research abstract In this article, we report the findings of our study on the nature of fatigue in patients diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. Using ethnoscience as a design, we conducted a series of unstructured interviews and card sorts to … Continue reading

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Reduced cytokine levels may lead to neurological problems in CFS/ME

Research abstract Objectives: Previous research has provided evidence for dysregulation in peripheral cytokines in patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME). To date only one study has examined cytokines in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples of CFS/ME patients. The purpose of … Continue reading

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Claire Jones, Welsh harpist with ME

Claire Jones, former Royal harpist from Pembrokeshire, talks about her experience of ME and road to recovery through homeopathy, chiropractic treatment, nutrition and psychological therapies. She advises people with ME to listen to their bodies and calls for better services. Her … Continue reading

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