Category Archives: News

Row over 4 nations comparitive study of NHS

In Wales online on Oct 17C 2014: We cannot trust the Department for Health’: Carwyn Jones attacks Whitehall in astonishing blast Wales First Minister has accused the Department for Health in London of being too politicised and said that Wales … Continue reading

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Relaxation therapy and CFS & FM

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To establish the effects of relaxation therapy on autonomic function, pain, fatigue and daily functioning in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia. METHOD: A systematic literature study was performed. Using specific keywords related to fibromyalgia or chronic … Continue reading

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Online programmes & ME/CFS

Abstract BACKGROUND: Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a long-term, debilitating condition that impacts numerous areas of individuals’ lives. The two predominant treatment options for ME/CFS are cognitive behavioral therapy and graded exercise therapy; however, many people have found these … Continue reading

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Protective Effect of Triticum aestivum L (EETA) in CFS

Abstract BACKGROUND: Oxidative stress plays a major role in the pathogenesis of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Keeping in view the proven antioxidant activity of Triticum aestivum L., this study has been undertaken to explore the potential therapeutic benefit of this … Continue reading

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ME/CFS & FM Health Services Action Plan

On 16 September 2014 the Health Minister, Mark Drakeford, wrote to Local Health Boards drawing their attention to the Action Plan for improving services for people with ME, CFS and Fibromyalgia in Wales. The Action Plan was devised by the ME/CFS … Continue reading

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Anti-inflammatory drugs and CFS/ME

Richard N. Podell M.D., MPH discusses the implications of Japanese research which found inflammation in the brain on the prohealth website: For most people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) central nervous system function is abnormal. However, we don’t understand the … Continue reading

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Do MS & ME/CFS co-exist in the same patients?

Research abstract INTRODUCTION: Fatigue is a major cause of disability and handicap in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients. The management of this common problem is often difficult. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME) is another common cause of fatigue which is prevalent in … Continue reading

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Reduced pro-inflammatory cytokines in the CSF of CFS/ME

Research abstract Objectives: Previous research has provided evidence for a dysregulation in cytokine levels in the periphery of patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME). To date few studies have examined cytokines in the cerebrospinal fluid. The purpose of this … Continue reading

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2 Age peaks in the incidence of CFS/ME in Norway

Research abstract (provisional) Background: The aim of the current study was to estimate sex- and age-specific incidence rates of chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) using population-based registry data. CFS/ME is a debilitating condition with large impact on patients and their … Continue reading

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Staphylococcus vaccine as immunomodulating drug in ME?

In videos published Sept 29, 2014 Carl-Gerhard Gottfries (professor emeritus) talks about his experiences of treatment of patients with ME with a vaccine against Staphylococcus. He thinks the effect of the Staphylococcus vaccine is immunomodulatory. The drug has been shown … Continue reading

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