Dr Esther Crawley’s study of activity management and Graded Exercise Therapy in children started in September 2015 and is due to end in August 2016

Tymes Trust comments when calling for an investigation into the PACE trial data:

“We are frequently contacted by parents whose children’s condition has deteriorated after various regimes of graded exercise, graded activity, and graded school attendance, with its demands upon both body and brain. Therefore we are extremely concerned that, before any fresh analysis of the PACE trial data by independent scientists has taken place, a PACE trial for children (under the appellation MAGENTA) is being set up. This will subject children to graded exercise therapy”.

Dr Esther Crawley acknowledges in the MAGENTA protocol that ME/CFS patients will not benefit from graded exercise therapy, by Dr Speedy, February 13, 2016:

The MAGENTA trial aka the PACE trial for children involves “Children between 8 and 17 years old who have been diagnosed with CFS/ME.” So they will be experimenting and using their unethical and harmful treatment on 8 year olds …

“The aim of this study is to find out how successful and cost-effective GET is … in children” with ME/CFS. We do know that subjective outcomes are not reliable so what does the magenta trial use?  “The children and their parents are then interviewed in order to judge how well the treatment is working.” So no objective measures are used as usual …

However the principal investigator of this trial also writes that “What are the possible benefits and risks of participating? Participants will not benefit directly from taking part in the study” which means that children with ME/CFS who are getting treated with GET will not benefit from it … Why waste a million £££ on it if she already knows that the treatment doesn’t work ?? If you don’t know the answer to that question just read on or scroll down …

Furthermore GET causes severe relapses if patients do have ME/CFS unless the diagnosis is wrong or people are in remission which happens in 5 to 7% but even they have to be careful with exercise therapy. So if you subject people with ME/CFS to exercise therapy you are basically torturing patients.

Yet what do they write in the protocol? “it may prove enjoyable contributing to the research. There are no risks of participating in the study.”So if you acknowledge that the treatment doesn’t work like the principal investigator Dr Esther Crawley is doing in the protocol then you are basically wasting shed loads of money to make sure that people with this debilitating neuro-immune disease do not get proper treatment; shameful doctoring as usual from the denial Brigade who have been ignoring evidence for decades. And according to medical boards doctors should not ignore evidence which goes against the duties of a doctor … Which means that the denial Brigade should be suspended or struck off …

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