Research: Clinical characteristics of ME/CFS diagnosed in patients with long COVID in Japan

Clinical characteristics of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) diagnosed in patients with long COVID


16.8% of long COVID patients at a Japanese outpatient centre met the ME/CFS criteria, 51.1% were female. Main symptoms were fatigue and PEM, followed by headache and insomnia. To get a fuller picture symptoms would need to be tracked over a longer period of time and housebound patients included.


Research abstract:

Background and Objectives:

COVID-19 can be serious not only in the acute phase but also after the acute phase and some patients develop ME/CFS. There have been few studies on patients with long COVID in whom ME/CFS was diagnosed by physicians based on standardized criteria after examinations and exclusion diagnosis and not based on only subjective symptoms. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the detailed characteristics of ME/CFS in patients with long COVID.

Materials and Methods:

A retrospective descriptive study was performed for patients who visited a COVID-19 aftercare clinic established in Okayama University Hospital [Japan] during the period was from February 2021 to April 2022.


Clinical data were obtained from medical records for 281 patients, and 279 patients who met the definition of long COVID were included. The overall prevalence rate of ME/CFS diagnosed by three sets of ME/CFS criteria (Fukuda, Canadian and IOM criteria) was 16.8% (48.9% in male and 51.1% in females).

The most frequent symptoms in ME/CFS patients were general fatigue and post-exertional malaise (89.4% of the patients), headache (34.0%), insomnia (23.4%), dysosmia (21.3%) and dysgeusia (19.1%). Dizziness, chest pain, insomnia and headache were characteristic symptoms related to ME/CFS.

The male to female ratio in ME/CFS patients was equal in the present study, although ME/CFS was generally more common in women in previous studies. Given that patients with ME/CFS had more severe conditions in the acute phase of COVID-19, the severity of the acute infectious state might be involved in the pathophysiology of ME/CFS.


The prevalence rate of ME/CFS and the characteristic sequelae in the long COVID condition were revealed in this study.

Authors: Kazuki Tokumasu; Hiroyuki Honda; Naruhiko Sunada; Yasue Sakurada; Yui Matsuda; Koichiro Yamamoto; Yasuhiro Nakano; Toru Hasegawa; Yukichika Yamamoto; Yuki Otsuka; Hideharu Hagiya; Hitomi Kataoka; Keigo Ueda and Fumio Otsuka

Journal: Medicina 2022, 58(7), 850; []  Published: 25 June 2022 (This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in ME/CFS Research and Clinical Care)


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#WAMES_800 Fundraising Journey – First £100 target reached!

#WAMES_800 Fundraising Journey is underway


A big thank you to those who have helped us begin our journey.

We have climbed the first step to our target of £800 for next year’s.

The £100 milestone has been reached, only £700 to go!



Every little helps

£800 might seem a large target to people with little energy and disposable cash. There are 13,000+ people with ME in Wales. If just 1,000 of those donated or raised £1 a year we could easily cover our running costs. If more were to give £1 we could begin to carry out additional projects. Every little helps!

Find out more about our Fundraising Journey:

#WAMES_800 fundraising journey – Join us! 

How to get free donations for WAMES – online shopping

#WAMES_800 Fundraising volunteers needed! 

#WAMES_800 – How can I donate?

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Cardiff & Vale UHB plans ME/CFS service improvement

CVUHB plans to implement ME/CFS NICE guideline


WAMES has been asking Health Boards in Wales what plans they have to implement NICE guidelines, whether they intend to consult with patients and how they think their long COVID service might benefit people with ME. 

Cardiff and Vale’s University Health Board’s Chief Executive Suzanne Rankin shares their plans for improved care for ME with WAMES:



“As a Health Board the new NICE guidance for ME/CFS have been shared widely across services which support people with ME/CFS and long COVID. Clinicians supporting people with ME/CFS, long COVID and other long-term conditions recognise the concept of energy impairment linked to symptom exacerbation (and strive to embed the awareness within their Treatment and clinical interventions with individuals).

We have a meeting planned between the Executive Directors for Medicine, Nursing and Therapies and Healthcare Sciences to review our current ME/CFS clinical pathway and our services against the recent NICE Guidance.

Training for staff

The UHB has a Rehabilitation Improvement Programme which is focusing on how we can develop our rehabilitation services to ensure we support people with long term conditions to have better access to the help that they need, when they need it. The Rehabilitation Programme is developing ‘A Meaning Full Conversation’ Model of Care which aims to provide education and training across the rehabilitation workforce to support people with advice and strategies to manage common symptoms which may be out of their usual scope of practice. Fatigue, pacing, energy management and post exertional symptom exacerbation forms part of the model.

Rehabilitation services

At a service level we continue to develop our rehabilitation services to ensure we provide people with the education and strategies to support them to manage symptoms including fatigue. This is delivered individually and within a group setting. The group-based interventions help to facilitate peer support and learning from others with similar experiences, and service users have reported that the sessions have been very useful in helping them develop energy management strategies.

Leisure classes

We are also working in partnership with leisure to support us to deliver care nearer to people’s homes. We have trained leisure staff to develop classes and activities to support people who have long-term conditions, and to increase their awareness of common symptoms including fatigue and energy impairment presentations, to help them have the skills and knowledge to work with people and support them to return to increased levels of activity if this is their goal.

Co-production for long-term conditions support

As you are aware, we have also established co-production meetings bringing together people with lived experience of a long-term conditions, health professionals, third sectors and organisations across Cardiff and Vale to work together to ensure we are meeting the populations needs. Representatives from The Welsh Association of ME & CFS Support have attended both events to date and we have really valued their insight and contribution to the meetings.

COVID services

As we recover and reset from COVID as a Health Board we are focused on improving the health of whole population and supporting people with long term conditions to get the help they need. We are currently considering how we can develop our COVID service to broaden its access to a number of conditions including ME/CFS.

Do be assured we will keep you involved and look forward to progressing this.”

WAMES would like to hear from anyone with ME/CFS living in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan about the service they have received since the publication of the revised ME/CFS NICE guideline in October 2021, so we can continue to work towards improving those services. #ImplementNICEmecfs   Contact

Read what other Health Boards say: Aneurin Bevan; Betsi Cadwaladr; Cwm Taf; Powys; Swansea Bay.

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#WAMES_800 Fundraising volunteers needed!

#WAMES_800 Fundraising journey – Can you help?


As WAMES travels along our 8 month fundraising journey we are looking for people with a range of skills and interests to join us.

Help us to climb the first column to our fundraising target!  Any help with raising funding and spreading the word would be welcome, but we would also like help with:

  • Expanding our ability to reach people through social media and online platforms
  • Identifying novel and ‘free’ ways of getting funding like match funding and crowdfunding
  • Interesting businesses in corporate fundraising
  • Researching funding options and writing grant applications

WAMES fundraising volunteers work from home with support from our Volunteering Coordinator and the Finance and Communications Teams.  You decide the number of hours you can offer and all volunteers representing WAMES are covered by insurance. Want to know more?

Download more information

Contact Sharon to arrange a chat

Find out more:

#WAMES_800 fundraising journey – Join us! 

How to get free donations for WAMES – online shopping

#WAMES_800 Fundraising Journey – First £100 target reached! 

#WAMES_800 – How can I donate?

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ME/CFS Research Priorities Report 2022 welcomed by UK Government

ME/CFS Research Priorities Report 2022


During 2021 and early 2022 thousands of clinicians, patients and carers throughout the UK worked together to identify areas of ME/CFS that need to be researched. An ME/CFS Priority Setting Partnership (PSP) was set up to determine what should be prioritised.


Over 5,300 ideas for research were submitted, then they  were prioritised.  On World ME Day, May 12th 2022 the final report with the top 10+ research priorities was published.

Now that we have the Top 10+, researchers, funders and government must work with people with ME/CFS to produce the highest quality research into these areas, and continue to prioritise ME

Gemma Hoyes, PSP steering group member


The UK Health Secretary responded positively and held a meeting on the 9th June 2022 to discuss ME/CFS research with researchers, charity and patient representatives, representatives from the government bodies who fund research (MRC, NIHR), and with Professor Lucy Chappell – the DHSC Chief Scientific Advisor.

“I welcome the publication of this Priority Setting Partnership which sets out the Top 10+ research priorities for ME. The Government recognises that ME is an under-researched area and pledges to support research funders and the academic community to respond to this independent report.”    The Rt Hon, Sajid Javid, MP, UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care

Read or Download the report or listen to the Top 10+ priorities

Spread the word with these resources to tell people who have the power to make research happen.

Priority 1

What is the biological mechanism that causes post-exertional malaise (symptoms caused or made worse by physical, mental or emotional effort, which can be delayed) in people with ME/CFS? How is this best treated and managed?​

Priority 2

Which existing drugs used to treat other conditions might be useful for treating ME/CFS, such as low dose naltrexone, or drugs used to treat Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)?​​

Priority 3

How can an accurate and reliable diagnostic test be developed for ME/CFS?​

Priority 4

Is ME/CFS caused by a faulty immune system? Is ME/CFS an autoimmune condition?​​

Priority 5

Are there different types of ME/CFS linked to different causes and how severe it becomes? Do different types of ME/CFS need different treatments or have different chances of recovery?​

Priority 6

Why do some people develop ME/CFS following an infection? Is there a link with long-COVID?

Priority 7

What causes the central and peripheral nervous systems (brain, spinal cord and nerves in the body) to malfunction in people with ME/CFS? Could this understanding lead to new treatments?​

Priority 8

Is there a genetic link to ME/CFS? If yes, how does this affect the risk of ME/CFS in families? Could this lead to new treatments?

Priority 9

What causes ME/CFS to become severe?​

Priority 10

How are mitochondria, responsible for the body’s energy production, affected in ME/CFS? Could this understanding lead to new treatments?

Priority 10+

Does poor delivery or use of oxygen within the body cause ME/CFS symptoms? If so, how is this best treated?​

The process

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#WAMES_800 fundraising journey – free money by shopping online!

Fundraise for WAMES by shopping online


Do you know someone who shops online?

Shopping online is very convenient, avoids the crowds and can sometime be cheaper.  Many of us order food, clothes, household items, holidays or business supplies online and there are thousands of online stores to choose from.

How does this help WAMES?

You can raise free donations for WAMES if you shop at Amazon Smile or through Easy Fundraising.

Over 6,000 major retailers will give from 0.5% – 10% of the amount you spend, to Easy Fundraising, who will then pass it on to the charity of your choice.  Shop through a browser or the app.

Join through our cause page: 

Refer a friend

If you are already signed up to Easy Fundraising, you can refer a friend until the end of June 2022. Earn a £5 bonus donation for your cause every time someone successfully joins and raises £5 as a supporter through your personal link.

Amazon smile

Shop through Amazon’s charitable website and they will give 0.5% of the net purchase price to the charity of your choice. Support WAMES

But, I’m broke!

Even if you can’t shop online yourself you can ask friends and family to support you and WAMES by signing up to online shopping.


Join us as an online fundraising volunteer and help others raise funds for WAMES!    Contact Sharon for a chat.

Find out more:

Find out why we are going on this #WAMES_800 fundraising journey during 2022

#WAMES_800 Fundraising volunteers needed! 

#WAMES_800 Fundraising Journey – First £100 target reached! 

#WAMES_800 – How can I donate?

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#WAMES_800 fundraising journey – Join us!

WAMES is going on a fundraising journey – Why?


We need £800 by the end of March 2023

Our income has dwindled, so we won’t be able to pay our basic bills after this year.

We are not the only charity to be facing problems. A number have been forced to close in recent years. Our fund raising journey is not of our choosing but it is vital if we wish to stay active and avoid a similar fate.

There are many ME organisations in the UK, all with different strengths and priorities. None do what WAMES does. We are the only charity where Welsh residents come together to share information and speak out for the services we need.

Why £800?

Our budget for ‘running costs’ in 2023 is:

  • Website £400
  • Insurance £300
  • Admin  £100      Total:   £800

If face to face meetings return in 2023 then we will need to find further funding  for transport and accommodation, to enable us to represent people with ME.

We will also need additional funding to build a new website, and we will explore all options for this.


Asking people for money at a time of rising prices is not ideal. (A bit of an understatement!) That is why we invite you to join us during 2022. Maybe YOU have the skills we need to help us explore all the different ways that we can raise money which are free, low energy, inspire friends and family to join us or will attract outside funding. You could sign up as a volunteer, send us some ideas or organise your own fundraising action. Join us on our fundraising journey!

Read more:

How to get free donations for WAMES – online shopping

#WAMES_800 Fundraising volunteers needed! 

#WAMES_800 Fundraising Journey – First £100 target reached! 

How to get free donations for WAMES – online shopping

#WAMES_800 – How can I donate?



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Volunteers week 2022 – a big thank you to all our volunteers!

Volunteers Week  1-7 June – a time to say Thanks!


“WAMES is run by volunteers” 

People choose to volunteer for a variety of reasons. For some it offers the chance to give something back to the community or make a difference to the people around them. For others it provides an opportunity to develop new skills or build on existing experience and knowledge.

Here, some of the WAMES volunteers share why they choose to volunteer:

Sharon says:

“Sadly there is still a need to fight for services for those with ME in Wales, plus campaign for better awareness and more research into this debilitating illness. Volunteering gives me a chance to turn a negative (having ME) into a positive by helping others. It has also brought many new friends into my life.

It helps that I have a network of people who “get” the daily struggles I face with ME. I have volunteered with WAMES for around 20 years, firstly raising awareness, then raising funds and now as Volunteer Coordinator and Volunteer Support Officer.”

Tony says:

“As my wife’s carer for more than 35 years, I am full of admiration at the way she has fought to promote an increasing awareness of ME and the need for suitable treatment in Wales. Because she is seriously ill with ME herself, I felt that I had to do whatever I could to help her in her WAMES work. Over the years I have had many roles including Chair, Secretary, Publications Officer and magazine designer, plus I have also taken meeting minutes, designed leaflets and worked on the website.”

A big thanks to all our volunteers!

Mia, who is in charge of WAMES’ Instagram says:

“I volunteer because it allows me to share things that I wish I would have been able to see when I had ME. Feeling like you’re not alone can sometimes make things easier so I hope I’m able to do that for other people!”

Jan, Chair of WAMES says:

“For me WAMES is a ‘safe space’ to volunteer in. It took me years to accept that my brain and body couldn’t cope in an employment situation any longer. It is still disappointing if I miss a good opportunity, can’t meet a deadline or complete a task but it is good to know I can work in a team that understands, and that together we can still achieve something useful.”

WAMES – working for ME in Wales

WAMES is a national charity without a head office, and as we mainly work online, volunteers can be based anywhere in Wales.

Charity law has grown in the last 30 years and there are lots of rules and regulations to follow, which can feel like a burden when just trying to do something good to help people, but they are necessary to protect people and stop money from being stolen.

This means that, as well as the public roles,  there are a number of support roles in the background for volunteers in finance and governance for even small charities like WAMES, and they are not always easy to fill.

Volunteering for a few hours a month is a small time commitment for an individual but can make a big difference to our ability to carry out WAMES’ activities.

Thank you also to our “small steps” volunteers who contribute in small ways without formally volunteering.

WAMES is currently looking for volunteers for the following roles:

WordPress / IT volunteers
– to help redesign and update our website

– we have a temporary Treasurer but urgently need a longer term one

Welsh Language volunteers
– many volunteers working in a team would ease the load for all!

Fundraising volunteers

Admin volunteers
– We will also never say no to another Admin volunteer to help lighten the load!

Can YOU help?  There are many other ways you can support people with ME in Wales, so please ask!  If you would like to volunteer with WAMES, please contact for a chat.



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A new Facebook page for WAMES

WAMES launches new Facebook page


A few days ago the WAMES Facebook page just disappeared!

Our volunteer Jacob spent the weekend setting up a new page and over the next month we will be learning how to use it.

Some of the functions won’t be available immediately e.g. the user name is missing (@wamesmecfs).  Please help us share the new location with past and new followers.

All the messages and contacts we have made over the last few years have also disappeared, so we won’t be able to contact you until you get in touch again.

We’re looking on the bright side – this is a new start, with increased features and functions (eventually)! We will continue to provide helpful information for the Welsh ME community – and anyone else who is interested. Please let us know if there is any way we can improve our use of Facebook, or if you can help supply us with relevant up-to-date information. Contact




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#WomensHealthWales Report highlights gender related health inequalities for ME

Women’s Health Wales Quality Statement calls for improved care for women with ME 


On Saturday 28th May, International Day of Action for Women’s Health, a report has been published by a coalition of charities and health organisations, which discusses how women in Wales have poorer health outcomes than men and urgent action is needed to ensure they receive equal care and treatment.

For the past year WAMES have been working as part of the #WomensHealthWales Coalition, made up of over 60 charities, patient representatives, clinicians, and professional bodies to draw up a plan to help end health inequalities experienced by women, girls, and those assigned female at birth.

ME affects more women than men,
in an approximate ratio of 4:1

Scottish Government has a plan, UK Government has consulted on a plan for England, and now, Welsh Government has committed to drafting a plan for Wales.

Health inequalities are rife in Wales. Welsh Government’s plan needs to be ambitious in its aims to end systemic sex and gender health inequalities in Wales and it needs to be co-produced by both Coalition members, patients, and public.

What is the report about?

The Women’s Health Wales report is a collaborative, co-produced report that outlines 26 areas of healthcare where women, girls, and those assigned female at birth are disproportionately impacted. It includes a range of physical and mental health conditions and issues which might affect this population at different points in their lives and makes a series of recommendations we wish to see implemented to improve their health, lives, and wellbeing – both now and for future generations.


Recommendations for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)

The Report outlines the key issues which lead to difficulties for patients in accessing appropriate services in Wales and gives recommendations for ways the Welsh Government can contribute to the improvement in ME/CFS healthcare (p97-100):

~ Implement NICE guidance, removing GET and CBT

Ensure healthcare professionals are following the updated NICE guidance removing GET and CBT as treatments in rehabilitation clinics which include people with ME. Many patients with ME are also referred to the National Exercise Referral Scheme (NERS), but the lack of expertise or monitoring constitutes unsafe practice and has historically proven harmful to those with confirmed ME.

~All healthcare professionals should understand ME and PEM

Develop cross-team understanding of the nature and impact of people’s illness and ensure they are aware of the specific characteristics of ME so to provide appropriate patient-centred care. This includes a better understanding of ME’s main characteristic, which is post-exertional malaise.

~Develop medical pathways with the help of all stakeholders

Work with patient advocates, specialist groups, and clinicians to develop straightforward medical pathways for ME patients across Wales which should

  • Sufficiently trained GPs to identify specific characteristics of ME and
  • Occupational therapy for day-to-day management
  • Trained community nurses who can provide care and monitoring for those
    who are housebound due to severity of condition or relapse
  • Access to additional specialist expertise wherever it is located

~Training for diagnosis

Increase training for GPs to diagnose and manage the condition. A 2016 patient survey found that over 60% had waited a year or more for a diagnosis.

~Good quality information for patients

Patients must be empowered to make informed decisions about approaches to symptom management and able to work in partnerships with their healthcare
professionals to co-design treatment plans/pathways which suit their individual
needs and experiences as part of a commitment to shared decision making.

~Support development of management plans

Urge service providers to provide support for healthcare professionals to implement
the NICE guideline’s recommendation of developing individualised energy management plans, which take account of the need for both rest & maintaining
physical condition.

~Medical training

Ensure co-produced training is delivered both to medical students and existing healthcare professionals.

~All-Wales commitment to recording diagnoses

Oversee an all-Wales commitment to ensuring GPs accurately diagnose and record incidence of ME using SNOMED system which enables health boards and service providers across Wales to understand prevalence and commission/ design services accordingly. Data collection should also include patients who have received private diagnosis or one from ‘out of area’.

~Provide guidance about equality issues 

Clearer messaging and guidance about the Equality Act 2010 and associated rights and support, including provision of independent advocacy as referenced in the Social Services and Wellbeing Act Wales 2014, part 9278 and reasonable adjustments in the workplace.

Download the report       #WomensHealthWales

FTTW: Fair Treatment for the Women of Wales

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