Tag Archives: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Dr Unger says ‘CFS: It’s real, and we can do better’

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: It’s Real, and We Can Do Better In a Medscape blog post Dr Elizabeth Unger from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) talks in a 5 minute video for healthcare professionals about the CDC’s … Continue reading

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US health agency, CDC, drops CBT/GET on website

Article excerpts: Virology blog post, by David Tuller, DrPH, 10 July 2017: Trial By Error: The CDC Drops CBT/GET Just as The Lancet has published more “evidence” for graded exercise, the CDC has moved decisively in the opposite direction. In … Continue reading

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US report says there’s (almost) no evidence CBT/GET work in ME/CFS

Health rising blog, by Cort Johnson, 18 August 2016: Federal Report Says There’s (Almost) No Evidence CBT/GET Work in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) This has a been good week for advocacy.  It’s shown that smart advocacy works. Twice advocates went … Continue reading

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Major proposed US study acknowledges CFS is physical, not mental

Blog article: CDC study finds CFS is physical, not mental, by  Russell Logan 7 March 2016 Also the NIH has dropped the FMD component of its clinical study of post-infectious ME/CFS: Despite decades of suggesting otherwise, the CDC has just … Continue reading

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