Tag Archives: CDC

Dr Unger says ‘CFS: It’s real, and we can do better’

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: It’s Real, and We Can Do Better In a Medscape blog post Dr Elizabeth Unger from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) talks in a 5 minute video for healthcare professionals about the CDC’s … Continue reading

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US health agency, CDC, drops CBT/GET on website

Article excerpts: Virology blog post, by David Tuller, DrPH, 10 July 2017: Trial By Error: The CDC Drops CBT/GET Just as The Lancet has published more “evidence” for graded exercise, the CDC has moved decisively in the opposite direction. In … Continue reading

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US report says there’s (almost) no evidence CBT/GET work in ME/CFS

Health rising blog, by Cort Johnson, 18 August 2016: Federal Report Says There’s (Almost) No Evidence CBT/GET Work in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) This has a been good week for advocacy.  It’s shown that smart advocacy works. Twice advocates went … Continue reading

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Methods of applying the CDC1994 case definition

Research abstract: Background: Multiple case definitions are in use to identify chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Even when using the same definition, methods used to apply definitional criteria may affect results. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted two population-based studies estimating CFS … Continue reading

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International criteria identifies distinct subgroup in CDC definition of CFS

Abstract Background: Several diagnostic definitions are available for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) that varies significantly in their symptom criteria. This pilot study was conducted to determine whether simple biological and clinical measures differed between CFS/ME patients meeting the 1994 … Continue reading

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