Tag Archives: Medical Research Council

£3.2 million for new DecodeME DNA study

£3.2 million for new DecodeME DNA study   The ME/CFS Biomedical Partnership has received funding to begin the DecodeME DNA study. This will be a very large study to analyse DNA from the saliva of people with ME/CFS to see … Continue reading

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New research initiative: ME/CFS Biomedical Partnership

ME/CFS Biomedical Partnership: Genetics and Biomarkers This is the working title for a partnership of researchers, including Professor Chris Ponting of the UK CMRC, and Dr Luis Nacul of the Cure ME UK ME/CFS Biobank (UKMEB) team and ME/CFS patients, carers and public. Early … Continue reading

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UK parliament Q&A: CFS Research

UK House of Commons Written Questions and Answers: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: research: Written question – 221619, & 221620. 22 February 2019.   Question 1: Asked by Sharon Hodgson (MP Washington & Sunderland) 14 February 2019 To ask the Secretary of … Continue reading

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Trial By Error: Professor Edwards’ letter to MRC’s Fiona Watt

Virology blog post, by David Tuller, DrPH, 28 August 2018: Trial By Error: Professor Edwards’ Letter to MRC’s Fiona Watt Jonathan Edwards, an emeritus professor of medicine at University College London, recently sent a letter to Professor Fiona Watt, executive … Continue reading

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Clear need for ME research says new report

ME Research UK article, 29 September 2016: ME/CFS research funding: an overview of activity by major institutional funders included on the Dimensions database: A report into the funding of ME/CFS by major institutional funders over the past decade was unveiled … Continue reading

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PLOS One to investigate PACE trial’s refusal to share data

Response from PLOS One editors to requests for more information about the PACE trial: Several readers have raised concerns regarding the analyses reported in this article. We are also aware that there have been requests for the data from this … Continue reading

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Why has the PACE Study’s “Sister Trial” been “Disappeared” and Forgotten?

David Tuller continues his analysis of research about treatments for CFS with an examination of the FINE trial.  A summary has been compiled by MEAction. Virology blog: Trial By Error, Continued: Why has the PACE Study’s “Sister Trial”been “Disappeared” and Forgotten? [9 … Continue reading

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House of Lords Q&A re PACE trial

26 November 2012 Lord Marland, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, has answered a House of Lords Question tabled by the Countess of Mar concerning the PACE trial. The Countess of Mar (Crossbench): To ask Her … Continue reading

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MRC funded research projects

Summaries of the current research projects funded by the MRC aimed at ‘Understanding the Mechanisms of CFS/ME’ have been added to the the section ‘MRC-funded research projects’ of the Medical Research Council’s CFS/ME page.  

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